I tell people who write about how tough they are training through Holiday's...NO ONE GIVES A SHIT!
It doesn't make you more "hardcore", you don't smash legs, or bomb chest either. It doesn't mean you are MORE DEDICATED. It means you got up and you went to the gym. BFD!
The one's that get up when their get up is gone??? Now I'm impressed.
I make available my gym for ONE session only on any given holiday that I'm in town (Hockey usually consumes our holiday schedule) and we do a "whatever might be fun session keeping within the programming for the year".
So we got together this morning for a Dead Lift/Pull up session.
Today's training: Simple
Super set 60 sets of ONE rep:
Dead Lifts
Fat Grip Pull ups
My personal crew used 315 for the 60 dead lifts and their current body weight for the pull up.
That' it! Now its time for Bacon, Eggs, copious amount of water.
Tri Tip Steak a couple cold ones and my hammock.
No...I am NOT more "hardcore" than you if you choose NOT to train.
Enjoy the day off, and don't let anyone make you feel guilty for your decisions.