Everything is feeling good!
On Weds very light active recovery day 20 minutes on step mill, heart rate never above mid 130s
Yesterday (great session)
-Cluster sets belt squats of 5, I go partner goes (5 minutes), inching the weight up every week on these
-Wheelbarrow I go partner goes 30 seconds, 12 plates total did this for between .4 and .5 miles
-heavy sand bag lunges 3 sets of 2 each way attempted 350 (in my IG story, hell better than most at commercial gyms ROM)
-Med Ball Throws back and forth 5 minutes
_sledge hammer heavy 25 pound elitefts one (I go, you go 5 minutes)
Here is a video on the chain yoke, I train with sometimes
Thanks so much for sharing your training. It's great to get some insight on your training. I just recently read Jailhouse Strong and think it's a great book. I have some specific questions about the routines (like "A Month in the Hole" routine). Is there a good place to direct these questions? I really enjoyed the book and plan on getting a few more from you.
All the best.