Last week I had a decent couple of sessions, despite my lower bodyweight really making itself known under the bar, lol.
Before the XPC Finals, I was walking at around 208-210 before my cut to 19. Right now I'm actually waking up at 198-199 most mornings, and I can really start to feel a difference under the bar. On the other hand however, I'm starting to feel better health-wise, including improved sleep. So hopefully as I settle in to the leverage differences, my strength will climb due to the better recovery.
Last Sunday was my first deadlift session since the meet, and we were doing mat deadlifts with the weights on 2 inch mats.
I worked up to 545, which was surprisingly fast once it got moving off the damn mats. I felt like I had one more lift in me but I'm still playing it safe in training before starting a meet cycle.
Moved on to reverse hypers and pulldown abs after that, along with some planks to finish.
Monday was a bench session, and I was excited because I was going to try on an old shirt that I haven't been able to wear in a long time. It was the Ace shirt I bombed out of 2014 WPC Worlds in because I couldn't touch anything (aside from dumping on my belly). It wa too small at the time but it fit well today, and I worked up to 545 in it. The weight was easy and I felt like I had room for a lot more than that in it.
Moved on to overhead presses for 3 sets of 5 at 205, some pull-ups, and triceps pushdowns.
Other than feeling like my own mini-me, things are going pretty well right now. looking forward to turning up the intensity in about a month or so.