This past weekend I used more gear than I have since the XPC Finals, and it was awesome! God I love gear!
On Sunday, the lift was a cambered bar squat with an average band. For extra tension, the first plate we loaded on the bar was a wide bumper plate, then we wrapped the band around that, as opposed to the sleeve of the bar.
I worked up to 600lbs in my suit bottoms, which I was really happy with, considering I'm small and weak at the moment. But that will change son as I gear up more and get used to heavier loads. I'll still be small though.
After the squats it was reverse hypers and abs to finish.
Monday was a bench day, and I put my shirt on to get a sense of where I am in it. I've had it on once this cycle just to see what I could touch in it and was able to touch with 545. This time I was looking more to see where I am strength wise.
Worked up to a nice touch with 600. Again, I was really happy with this seeing as I'm nowhere near a meet, and I'm walking around about 15 lbs lighter than just a few months ago.
Assistance was 5 sets of pulldowns, followed by some triceps and shoulder work.
Everything looks to be on track!