So I've qualified for World's Strongest Man Masters 2019 and one of the events is a sandbag throw over a bar some 15 feet in the air. One could just order the bags that are being used all over the internet by the other athletes BUT it seems that one company does not sell them in Europe and another company hasn't made them yet...so I've "made my own"!
I've had some solid sessions with my bag and I'm making great progress...
And all of the sudden I decided to change handles on the bag and try it. I mean...WHAT COULD GO WRONG?
Yes, it hurt. It hurt bad and I was sore for several days but as soon as my eyes opened while I was on the ground I could hear my timer still going and I knew that I still had work to do so I got up and got back to work.
Just another funny video! Now I have to find another "sand bag" to throw...and a helmet!