Today was a strange but great day.
We shut down from 11-1pm so that the coaches can train. This is a time for us to coach each other and work together as a team. Unfortunately I have had a lot of work that has been getting in the way lately. So work around this I came up with a solution: Leave work.
So I called a friend of mine, Mike Diamond, who has a training studio about 10 min away and asked if I could train at his place for a few weeks. He obliged and today was the first day of the experiment.
I basically can't shut my brian off at work. I haven't been able to concentrate on training and therefore it has sucked. Either I am dealing with an issue or getting pissed because a piece of equipment is dusty. So I need to remove myself from the environment so I can shut my brian off and train.
It's funny too because when I don't get a good training session in, I get pissed, then the little problems piss me off even more and I think about them more and then I don't get a good session in. It's a vicious cycle.
So today at 11:30am, I left work. I drove the 10min to Diamond Fitness and started to train. I was hitting it hard in 15 min and at my place it usually takes 45min because of the issues I deal with as I start training.
By 12:30 I was in the middle of the best training session I've had in 3 months. By 1:30 I was exhausted and finishing up. It was a great session and when I went back to work I was refreshed and relaxed.
I showered and went back to work. It was great and I will continue to do this for the next few weeks until things slow down for me.
The workout looked like this:
Step ups/Goblet squats - 3x10
Dynamic warmup/stretching
Leg ext/Leg curl - 5x10ea leg
Leg press - 4x15 ea leg
45deg hypers/seated calf raise -3x10
Backward lunges - 3x8ea leg
Squats w/ Buffalo bar - 4x8
It was simple, hard and fast. I loved it, got a great sweat in and felt ready to go back to work and get things done.
It was weird training somewhere else, but for now, it is what I need.