As I noted in THIS post I am still in the process of dialing in all key aspects of this training program.
For example I really thought today would be a training day but after the last two sessions there is no way that is going to happen.
For now I will list a training session here and there so you can get somewhat of an idea of what is going on.
I have two leg sessions per week with one of them heavy on dynamic - explosive work. This session was yesterday and this is what was performed.
Seated Leg Curls
* 4 warm up sets of 15
* 3 work sets of 10-15 (to failure using a controlled tempo)
Standing Calve Raises
* 3 sets of 20 ( all sets around 5 reps shy of failure)
- I have found over the past few weeks that my calves are always tight. This actually helps me for heavy leg work but seems to work against me when I do dynamic work. By doing a few sets I get blood in the calves, stretch them and once I get a pump in them I will stop. This usually takes 3-5 sets.
Yoke Bar Box Squats
* I wave the weight based on my perceived max. The type of wave I am using is undulating by the week or two weeks depending on what week I am on. Because this is dynamic work and I am not using briefs and if I use knee sleeves they are not "competition" style the percent is between 55 and 65% of my PM. Yesterday I used.
365 for 5 sets of 5 reps with 60 seconds rest between sets.
Tsunami Bar - Close Stance Explosive Sets
* I am waving this the same as the Yoke bar squats but the weight is lighter do to the way this bar works. For more info read this--> Tsunami Bar
Key Points and Points of Notice.
* Due to my shoulder I can't hold the bar so I rigged up a way to hold it with straps.
* I use bumpers because at least once a session the bar will fall off my back until the weight gets to a place where I can apply force. This is due more to me not being able to pull the bar down with the same force I am squatting up with. The bumper won't hurt the platform behind me and if they break I really don't give a shit. If I broke a iron plate I would feel like I violated a carnal rule of the iron gods.
* I work up to a weight where my force feels explosive on the first rep and gets better for the next few - to not exceed 5. If the 5th is as fast as the 2nd or 3rd the weight will more up next time. I do not look at the first working sets that close because I am not primed yet. Unlike the box squat where I can get after it hard on the first rep this isn't the case with this bar. In time it may be, for now it's take a rep to get the bar in the right spot and my torso braced correctly.
* When I do this I do not hold back and explode into the bar as hard as I can asking as I will launch it off my back to the ceiling,
I did 3 working sets of 5 reps with the same weight, after several warm up sets.
Andy filmed this yesterday - so this is what it looks like.
Leg Extensions
* 3 sets of 15-20 reps ( to failure using controlled tempo)
Hip Adducation
* 2 sets of 15-20 reps ( to failure using controlled tempo)
Hip Abducation
* 2 sets of 15-20 reps ( to failure using controlled tempo)
Great troll posting to help make your day better.
During your explosive leg days, have you ever considered using a tendo to monitor your training? I know your in the process of still tweaking your next training but this may be a way to monitor your explosive movement exercises on a set/session/weekly basis?
Thanks for everything you do!