We determined that the gym that Leslie trains at isn’t necessarily a commercial gym, but it’s not really a Powerlifting gym either, so we’ll call it a big gym.
Leslie has competed for many years, but doesn’t currently have a meet planned. Since the gym she trains at doesn’t have the options of a box for squats, boards for bench, or blocks for deadlift we have her on the following 3 week rotation:
Full Squats w/pause Squats
Full Squats w/Leg Press
Reverse Band Squats w/walking Lunges
Full Bench w/DB Floor Press
Full Bench w/Flat DB Press
Reverse Band Bench w/DB Incline Press
Full Deadlifts w/varied upper Back Accessory
Full Deadlifts w/varied upper Back Accessory
Reverse Band Deadlifts w/varied upper Back Accessory
She doesn’t always have someone to spot her either, so we have her on a rotation of 5,4,3,2 (for 3 weeks each) for the reps for the main movement with higher rep hypertrophy work for her rotating accessory exercises.
Here’s one of her most recent training videos where she’s deadlifting 325x5 with reverse light bands:
The M2 Method Raw Training Ebook
The M2 Equipped Training Ebook