Today was a big bench day for us when I noticed a trend going on. We all took the time to do a proper bench set up, getting tight on the shoulders, traps and back, but our damn feet were too light.
Verbal cues that work on "getting tight" have always been:
-Pull the shoulder blades together and drop them into your back pocket.
-Pull the bar apart
-Bend the bar to keep the elbows in
-Fill the belly with air
Check, check, check and check...but what the fuck is going on below the waist?
Feet straight ahead, knees out, drive back into the bench???
Too much talking going on and not enough application. That's when it occurred to me to get my body "SQUAT TIGHT" while Benching
In other words the only difference in set up and how tight to get is the hand position. It is the only thing that shifts from upright by the shoulders to out in front at the neutral level. Everything else? THE SAME! Tighten the hips, low back, everything afore mentioned AND push into your pelvis the internal organs of your body.
Squat Tight during the bench as if you are about to take 700+ pounds on your shoulders and put it in your hands!!!
Today's Training:
Run: 5K+2 mile dog walk
Dynamic Bench: 15x3x50%
Rep Bench: 4x12x same weight. In the event you fail getting all the reps, supplement the move with a "Sling Shot" (blue)
Escalating Cable Cross over:
Start at 25 pounds and attempt to do 100 reps. If you can't do it in one set, then the next set is done with an additional 5 lbs. If THAT'S not done then add more in the third set.
If you can't do it in TWO sets...Happy Mother's Day!
Mini Band Tricep Push down: 100 reps
Lunch Crunch:
Warm up
5x10 yards x 50%
Side ways: 5x10 yds
Fwd/Bckwd: 5x10
Sprint: 15x20 yds x 90%