It was a short couple years ago that I Strength and Conditioned my first all Women's Team. Considering that up until this time ALL of my Coaching had been invested into Boys and Young Men that understood my "O.G." style.
Needless to say, the first time I used a spray of sarcasm and the young lady on the receiving end took it to heart and started to cry, I was...perplexed.
"Uhhh, your eyes are leaking", was not as sensitive as I could be.
Before focusing on Strength and Conditioning and the preparatory work that goes into any season, I had been a "Skills" coach. Everything from a positional coach in football and lacrosse, to the head coaching positions in the those sports as well as Wrestling.
When asked why I decided not to do that type of coaching anymore I am reminded of events that are unfolding in youth sports today!
I've stated in the past the reason for walls, glass, and fences around playing areas are not so much as for the players and keeping tabs on them, but to keep Parents OUT!
"Helicopter Parents" make it so hard to focus on the SPORT we intend to play and WIN because they HOVER around the area bastardizing the coach as to "why doesn't my son/daughter play?"
I had a Dad stand on my sideline once, who kept bugging me with, "Put #67 in. Why don't you play #67? C'mon coach...you want to win? Put 67 in." (hmmm, it just occurred to me why I wrote Rule #67)
I turned to my then assistant coach and asked..."#67's Dad?" He laughed and said "yep".
I turned to the (Older than me at the time) fella and motioned him over. I leaned into him so only he could hear and told him the reason for NOT playing #67. "Because #67 sucks".
Needless to say the Father straightened up and looked at me for further explanation.
I told him, "he's on the team because we need 'bodies' to practice against. Someone to hit, rather than just practice dummies. But he isn't going to see the playing field any time soon because #66 and #68 can kick #67's ass" Further more..."if you intend to stand on MY sidelines again anytime soon, make sure you make it out to practice everyday so I can officially put you on the Coaching "staff". Until then, get back behind THAT fence".
Back then, it was over. Done as in "DUN".
I just heard about that girl's basketball team yesterday, that a "Helicopter Parent"s kid wasn't playing. The new Head Coach was NOT playing the inferior girl enough or something to that end. So the parent hired a Private Investigator to investigate any and all allegations in this Coach's history. Can you imagine? They find something from 20 years ago, that the Police and courts back then found to be a false allegation and expunged all records stating so, only to have his name dragged out into the public NOW, via a P.I. and a disgruntled parent and a PUSSY school system and board.
The poor bastard was relieved of his duty and no explanation to the 99% of the team or THEIR parents was given!
Here's my take...I want to know the name of the PARENT (S) that called in a Private Investigator. I want to know THEIR background. THEN...I want to see the Super Star kid that they are talking about.
IF you are going public with a man you are allocating did something wrong, have the BALLS to stand up and be noticed for what you are doing as well.
When I was the Strength and Conditioning Coach for the Bradshaw Mountain High School Team, the head coach came to me and said..."Coach? I'm fielding a few phone calls from parents who think you're a little rugged on the boys".
I told Coach Apap to relax and I would handle it!
The boys came into the weight room when I promptly had them return to their lockers to fetch up paper and pens.
They came back to see my telephone number on the White Board.
I explained to them to write that number down and give it to their moms and dads. "That way, you don't bug Coach Apap, and I personally can explain to them what kind of PUSSIES they had for sons"!!!
Not ONE phone call occurred. Today, I am still in contact with a few of the boys, who are now...STRONG MEN! Because they handled their situations for themselves.
Why don't some of the BEST coaches coach? Because the Entitlement Process starts at the head of the family and trickles on down to the last cherub.
Parents...Unless you are going to ADD to a program anymore than your up and coming super star...LEAVE the COACHES ALONE! Especially the ones that WIN!
Johnny and Mary will be OK.
and THAT is why I do only Strength and Conditioning. I'm NOT for everyone, and I don't take them on!
Today's Training:
AirDyne Bike: 20 minutes Steady
Dynamic Squat: 10x2 @ +25 lbs from last week for men +10-15 for women
Rep Squat: 4x10@ same weight you used for reps last week's three sets
Single Leg Box Step Up: 4x10
GHR: 4x10
Bike Commute: 20 minutes
Run I: 10x10 yards @50%
Run II: 5x100 yards @75%