What an end to an exciting Pee Wee "A" hockey season. My son's team went 26-0 on the season to win the State Title here in California.
There were a couple nail biting moments in this tournament but once we settled into OUR style of play, we went ahead and dominated the series and the other teams.
Not often can a kid play for a team that not only wins it all, but goes undefeated in the process as well.
I have played for a few teams that have gone undefeated, one team went so far as not having a point scored on us either. But here's the closer, I will always remember those kids I played with and they will be eternally the same kid no matter how old they get, or what life throws at them.
I relish this opportunity for my boy's team as well. Some will go on to great successes no matter what they choose to do. Others might not choose wisely as they walk along their own paths, BUT they will forever be bonded together with the knowledge and understanding what took place this season for the Stockton Colts was indeed...MAGICAL!
This season had its drama. It also had its horrors, but the end all was a band of young men, who got themselves around that and always found a way to WIN!
I would like to detail each kid, but anyone that has played a team sport KNOWS the characters. Every team has and always will have each character on their teams. The only difference is the different names that the character goes by.
The Leader
The Joker
The Quiet Play Maker
The Ball of Energy
The Angry One
The Nice One
The Enforcer
The Talker
The Doer
The ...well you get the idea.
We were blessed with an AWESOME coaching staff. Although I played a small role, I never take for granted the opportunity I receive when I GET to teach. But the difference makers were the TWO assistant coaches who in a non paying position, taught players to play, listened to parents...parenting, showed restraint and diplomacy with officials of every sort, and countless hours being stalwart role models.
The Head Coach, Derek Eisler IS the "Yoda" of youth hockey world. Never have I witnessed a man with Saintly patience yet stern enough to be a fatherly role model without pissing off too many parents.
I thank Coach Eisler for allowing me my part as a Dry Land/Strength and Conditioning Coach. He never doubted my roles and abilities and assumed I knew what I was doing...(I do)
I am thankful for his role in my son Hunter's growth as a Hockey Player, an Athlete, and most importantly a Human Being.
I am also thankful for the "Unanswered Prayers". We ALMOST made a HUGE mistake by wanting to stay with a team that was more convenient to commute. We chose the hard way and were GREATLY rewarded for it!
Teams and players will come and go if you play long enough. But Championships are what makes "LEGENDS"
#14 is my kid. He skates around like a nut and "dog piles" after the win. Gets that from his Dad. Click the link showing the celebration as the buzzer sounds, below.
Today's Training:
Bench Press:
-Pin Press from about 8 inches off the chest so as to "FINISH" the exercise
- Work up fairly quickly to a 2 rep HEAVY press
-Beat last weeks number
Rep Bench Press:
5x10 @ the same weight as last week
Concept II Rowing: 23 minutes
C/S Row: 5x10
Lateral Raise: 5x10
Biceps: 2x Pump
Triceps: 2x Pump
Ab: 2 sets
Bike Commute: 18 minutes (I thought I was losing air out of my back tire, so I hammered it so I wouldn't have to walk the bike that far. Ends up I just got home really fast)
Sprint I: 7x100 @75%