It doesn't happen often, but sometimes I don't feel like lifting. There are other times I'm in a rush or I get an urge to be done. That's when I play "Let's Make A Deal" with myself.
This is not a deload so it's not a workout to take lightly. If anything I need to do something harder than usual to allow myself to cut my time short.
I will always start by completing my main compound lift with all of its planned volume. Since I have been following 5/3/1 for so long the plan is always for some supplemental work on the main lift before assistance.
You do not have to follow 5/3/1 for "Let's Make A Deal Lifting." For those who don't follow 5/3/1 all you have to do is take somewhere between 55-70% of your max on that lift. That will be for your supplemental work.
I'm simplifying all of this. The point is, pick a weight that you can do crisply for multiple sets of 5 reps. With 5/3/1 it's called FSL (First Set Last Set) and it's usually done for 3 to 5 sets.
For "Let's Make A Deal" you are increasing this volume so you don't have to do that pesky assistance work.
- Main Lift Widowmaker - 20 Reps - This sucks. 20 reps on a compound lift is no fun. Grind it out and walk away. By chance, if you are about to miss, rack your weight, but stay with it, take a few breaths, and then finish.
- BBB - 5x10 - Unlike the 3-5 sets of 5 for the FSL work I described above as being crisp, 5x10 can turn out to be quite a grind. Hit it and quit it.
- BBS - 10x5 - These reps should be crisp like discussed with the FSL work, however, the volume is now doubled and it will be very evident in a day or two when DOMS sets in. Own these reps. Work on your form here.
Much like all lifting, this is nothing revolutionary. Work is work. I think so many of us get caught up in the numbers and try to do everything perfectly.
Once you know your way around a weight room you can call audibles. It's ok to switch things up as long as you are working hard. This training sh!t is supposed to be fun too.