You have to actually get up and change it yourself!
This is why I like doing what I'm doing. Everyone has a "story". Everyone has a place in the world based on their economic status, or their social or professional standing.
But here it doesn't matter. Everyone is dressed in shorts and t shirts and that equalizes everything.
Now I can't speak for women, but EVERY man, no matter what their economics or social status might be. I doesn't matter their lot in life, but EVERY MAN no matter who he is upon meeting another man, in that first fifteen seconds a fleeting thought crosses EVERY MAN'S mind...."Can I kick that guy's ass?"
If your answer is yes (even if it's only apparent to yourself) then all is good.
If the answer is "no", then doing the work is the only option a man has.
There is no remote control to doing the work. You need to put backbone behind the wishbone.
Today's training:
AirDyne: 30 mins
Bike Commute: 30 mins
Lat Pulldown: 4x10
DB Row: 4x10
DB Pullover: 4x10
DB Curl: 4x10
BB Reverse Grip Curl: 4x10
Drag (or rack scraping) Curl: 4x10
Bike Commute: 28 mins. (wind aided)
I also did 10 x 50 yard sprints yesterday to test my wonky calf. Not too bad!!!