I have had a bit of cabin fever due to the heat around here lately. Truth be told, it's not that hot. Well, it's either that or I'm just so much less fat than I used to be that it doesn't bother me as much. Anyway, I needed to get out.
Jess and I decided to go paddleboarding early yestereday morning. We drove down to the where the rich people live on the water for our adventure. Doing all the sight seeing that we usually don't get at our usual spot, we ended up paddling a lot more than we are accustomed to. Most of the paddle out was cool because we were going with the current and the wind. We actually passed a kayaker who told me I make a great sail.
We sat on our boards to take a break and chug some water (we travel well prepared). It was feeling good just sitting and dangling our legs in the water to cool off. Next thing you know, we see a bunch of little fish jumping out of the water. Hey cool, nature. They seemed to be coming closer. Now I'm thinking they just want to get a look at my phenomenal toes. All of the sudden I saw a big splash from the corner of my eye. Now I did not see what it was, but I could swear it was Jaws! I saw my life flash before my eyes and the good news is, it was awesome!
Considering seeing a shark in the sound is as likely as seeing Wendler in public, I am being 99% hyperbolic, but am still reserving 1% for the Jaws sighting. Regardless, whatever it was caused me to pull my legs up out of the water. Jess thought it might have been a tuna. The only tuna I'm interested in has mayo on it, so it was time to go.
After escaping being second on the food chain, the paddle back was against the current and wind. Yeah, that whole being a sail thing sure made paddling much harder. I busted in to quite the sweat. Go figure, I was wondering why my shoulders were so sore this morning. Wonder no more.
Regarding training as a whole, I got through it. I felt really weak overall. I'm hoping it's just coming off from vacation. If next week feels the same I am going to take a look at recovery, nutrition, etc. Good news is my body feels great. No back, hip, or shoulder issues. I kept up with doing at least two things a day for my body whether it was training, conditioning, or recovery. All of the rolling and stretching is paying dividends.
I'll just finish with this, burpees suck. I used to hate the prowler the most, now it's burpees. I guess I'll be doing lots more of them.
-Seated OHP with football bar 155x5, 180x3, 200x10, 155 5x8
-One arm dbl rows 50/60/70/70/70 x10
-Dips bw 3x10
-Cable curl 20/30/40/20 x10
-Pullups 3x3
-Bbl wrist curls 2x10
-Foam roll
-Treadmill 40 minutes
-Foam roll/stretch
-SSB Box Squat 255x5, 295x3, 330x10, 255 5x8
-Back raises 10 5x10
-Ab wheel rollouts 3x10
-Bulgarian split squats 3x10
-Calf raises 3x15
-Foam roll/stretch
-Treadmill 40 minutes
-Squat thrust tabata
-Foam roll/stretch
-Foam roll/stretch
-Bench 240x5, 280x5, 315x10
-Close grip shoulder saver with legs up 240 5x8
-Fat bar pulldowns to sternum 90/115/140/160/180 x10
-Fat bar pushdowns 90 3x10
-Cable rope curl 45 3x10
-Trap bar deadlift 255x5, 295x3, 330x10, 255 5x8
-Back raises 10 5x10
-Trap bar shrug 255 3x15
-Ab wheel rollouts 3x10
-Bulgarian split squats 3x10
-Calf raise 3x25
-Foam roll/stretch
-Stand up paddleboard 2 hrs
-Foam roll
-Burpee tabata