We had our staff lifting contest today. We used the Squat, Bench, Deadlift, Press and Pull-ups.
- SSB Box Squat: 425x5
- FBB Bench: 315x5
- Deadlift (double-overhand grip): 3x15x15
- FBB Push Press: 225x1
- Pull-ups (wide-grip): 16
I'm pretty happy with this. The squat surprised me a little bit. I didn't think I was ready for it. The bench went about as I had thought. Deadlift was easy. My grip got weak towards the end. The Push Press surprised the hell out of me. Pull-ups were about as planned.
I'll use this as my baseline as I move forward in training. I will not readjust my numbers. I'll just keep rolling along training nice and light.
Tomorrow I jump on a plane for Massachusetts to speak at my high school and visit with my hetero life partner, Vincent. I'll stop by and visit my dad for a little bit. That's going to be a tough one, but it's absolutely going to happen.
Next week I'll get started on my next phase.
The Boring But Big template is GREAT for younger lifters and guys with a great base of conditioning. If I trained 2 days per week it would be something I could use regularly. That third day takes its toll on my body.
I'll be going back to the 5's Pro with FSL at 5x5. My focus will be to continue to get better at each individual rep instead of just banging out sets. Looking forward to continuing the process.
Jim and I are going to "test" in December with a few exercises and numbers that we have already determined. Until then, I'll continue plugging along at a snails pace.