The header is a picture of me and my homie Harry. He was a huge motivating factor in me getting into shape. Harry showed me that we can keep kicking ass a lot further into life than most would expect.
Years ago my log revolved around powerlifting. My only goal was to get strong. I succeeded at that goal and shared what I learned along the way.
Interestingly, I'm probably better known now for losing 130 lbs than any feat of strength I ever accomplished. I'm ok with that. I feel so rewarded when people reach out and tell me how I have helped or inspired them to lose weight and make healthy changes in their lives.
With this second act in my training life, I have found I have many non-strength athlete followers. As my loyal readers know, I keep a log column here called "Operation Be Less Fat" so that people could easily find my logs referencing that journey.
What I have also found is that many lifters check out my work to see how I have been pounding away at training for almost four decades with continued success. So I am planning on getting to this new column "Lifting Longer" once a month. Having this also helps me organize my thoughts and gives me a predetermined topic to touch upon.
I have nothing planned just yet so I figured I'd put this out there in case any of you had anything in particular you'd like me to write about. Feel free to comment below. Otherwise, just stay tuned.
For elbows, I have found that doing a lot of heavy wrist curls and reverse wrist curls have helped keep my elbows happy. Underhand grip pulldowns used to work for me as well.