When I was in College, I had a training partner that was completely nuts. I think he would say the same thing about me, but I really believe he is institutionally committed with straight jackets and electrical stimulation for negative reinforced behavior.
Peter was near either GENIUS or Psychotic levels. (Probably both)
On training days we would hand over each others training logs to have the other guy design the days workout. I would go into some elaborate protocol and name it something cool, (Not like crossfit that names there workouts after people's names like Brandy, Jim, Murphy, whatever) but workouts like P.H.A. which stood for Peripheral Heart Arrest. Which meant we were going to make everything stop except a beating heart. I would then implement my design on Peter for however long it took. In other words, we would program design then TRAIN the fella. Killing two birds with one stone. When I think about it, THAT training was pure genius in its own right. (Wow, we were a head of our time)
The day I was handed my training book back and it had one or two (at the most) exercises, I KNEW I was about to be tortured.
Peter's eyes would glaze over, he lost his smile, his hair would grow on his back and a uni brow would form. This was going to get INTENSE.
Worse, if I looked and saw it say One or TWO SETS, then look out! What was about to transpire made waterboarding look like a fun activity.
I summons up one of those sessions today.
I told my now training partner, Al that we were going to do TWO exercises. He smiled.
I said, today we Squat and Prowl. Seems simple enough, until we started.
We worked the squat up to three plates on each side, using the Mastodon Bar. (Feel free to do the math, but we didn't care)
Once we reached the three plates we began adding 20 lbs clusters of chains to each side until we reached a PRE of 8 or so.
I knew we were closing in when Al had to head outside on the third set of five sets to throw up. So we continued.
5 sets of 5 reps with four chain clusters on each side is what we ended the session with.
Then we immediately went out for Prowler Sprints.
We needed to turn over eight, forty yard sprints as fast as we could before the burning left the glutes and pork chords.
As I sit here typing this out, I will speak for Al and myself. Right now we are suffering from a rare condition known as Ef'n AWESOME. THIS session brought back great memories and euphoria of doing something HARD but over quickly.
The intensity was match by brevity and immensity.
Side note. I had to leave the gym early today. April had to high tail it into the office and Hunter had a late start/class trip.
He needed to be at school 0800 and April had to be an hour away at 0830. THAT doesn't work out mathematically. So, H came into the gym early, while hanging with me...HE DID HIS version of this training session.
We then had to go to the grocery store and get him a shopping bag full of food for lunch on his field trip and then I had to get him to school.
Felt weird leaving the gym at that time. Not sure how I feel about it other than Hunter and I are DANGEROUS unchaperoned.
Woo Hoo, we can tear up a grocery store shopping aisle with EASE.
Pull up totals=1629
Push Up totals=2061
Prowler: 5200 yards