My Father's Day was nuts. I wanted to go to the beach, but I didn't want to drive. Solution, you ask? Long conversation with April about buying a second home on the sand. Hey, everything starts with a dream.
What I ended up doing instead of driving (yea, I know, its only 45 minutes depending on traffic which sometimes can be four days) was tending to my garden and flowers.
Who would have thought? Me! I use to kill Air Ferns. I am "Agent Orange". Now? I'm Mr. Greenjeans, Organic garden, various flowers around the Casa de Selkow.
There I was 8 hours later, parched in June California sun. Did I go for water? NO WAY! Tequila and a Beer. After all, it's FATHERS DAY.
After I clean up, I had me another.
At this point, I call the "Point of Bifurcation" I realize that Monday morning will come quick, so I better back off the throttles and return all the bottles.
Regardless, it could have been an EPIC evening, but I shut it down too late and not enough hydration. So little that I got to the gym this morning and began my max effort Bench and could feel all the things that preclude me to yoking a pec.
I shut it down early, and put on a Sling Shot just to get more reps and build a bit of volume without the worry of yet another stupid ding.
BB Overhead Press: 10x12x55
5 RM Bench: got up to 275 for three sets of the five I wanted to do of 5 reps.
DB Lateral Raise: 4x12x30 with a much slower deceleration.
Cable Cross Over: 4x12x50
Rear Delt Raise w/ Kettle Bells: 2x15x18 with a slow deceleration
Got REAL busy coaching, then just fell out of the mind set to finish with shrugs and neck.
I'll do that tomorrow with Dynamic Legs.
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