I have been thinking about this post for a few days now. I wanted to write something very profound. The simple truth is, I had the time of my life just hanging and training with Wendler and Rhodes. These are two of my best friends. We can go months without talking or a year without seeing each other and we'll pick up right where we left off.
We hung out, watched movies, quoted movies, talked training, I mean a lot of training, laughed at a whole lot of politically incorrect and downright inappropriate stuff, and then we trained for a whole bunch of hours on Saturday. Jim has an awesome garage setup. The doors were open and we had some comfy seats to chill in before training, between sets, and after training. It was the longest training session I can remember having in years.
I was like the fat kid at a buffet, well actually, I am the fat adult at the buffet. I had to try everything. I ended up squatting, deadlifting, and benching, along with some other assistance. Jim and Matt really dialed in my box squat form for which I am very grateful. Then it was off to use Jim's bad ass dead - squat bar for deadlifts. This is one of the most worthy bars I have ever used. I WANT ONE! Then we finished off with some swiss bar benching.
It was really great seeing Jim and Matt lifting. Both have been through the ringer between being division one college football players and the abuse of powerlifting. Their bodies are both beaten and battered worse than mine. Jim tugged with the squat - dead bar and put up some good numbers. I can't tell you what they were because he has those mondo sized rubber plates. Those ones that make you look like you're lifting just shy of a billion lbs. Knowing where Jim was not long ago with his back surgery, I was impressed.
Jim also benched using the swiss bar. I remember a time when he said he thought he'd never bench again because of his shoulder. Well, he got passed that and was under the swiss bar on Saturday. Another notable feat was Rhodes benching 315 for five with the swiss bar. He looked really solid.
Damn I love powerlifting. If it weren't for this sport I would not have those two a$$holes, I mean awesome people in my life. We are already planning our next gathering. We are going to try and finally put on the beat up powerlifting meet Jim and I have been talking about for years. Squat with whatever bar you want, tug with whatever bar you want, and bench with whatever bar you want. Go for rep maxes or all out maxes. Who cares, as long as we get the chance to push and challenge one another, that's all that matters.
I try and go through life in as good of a mood as possible. My wife always says happiness is a choice. So when people ask me how I am doing I often respond "I'm living the dream." Well, this past weekend was proof. I am in fact living the dream. Good times, good training, and good friends, what more could one want?
Here's what I mostly remember doing:
-SSB box squat, worked 5's up to somewhere in the 400's for a double
-Worked in three sets of 10 ab wheel between squats
-Dead - squat bar deadlifts 250 5x5
-Worked five pullups between each set
-Swiss bar bench, worked fives up to 315 for five
-Three sets of pushups on handles
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