About 12 weeks ago I was taking a warm up with 220 lbs on the log press, and missed it. MISSED IT! I mean it wasn't even close! Had to just be a bad week though, right? Wrong! The next week, I missed it again. And again the next week...not even close. The nerves in my spine shut off as soon as the log got about 1/2 way over my head and I couldn't do anything with it.
Then I got 1. The plan became to get 2. Then 3. Then 4. Then I got a set of 3 and a set of 2 one week, slowly adding a rep per session till I was at 9 total reps as you'll see in the video. Several weeks I followed myself but Ilya has been helping me out and going in between me so I have a little more rest and I can time my attempts a little better too. But do I hate reps...YES I HATE REPS!