Was out in California for a week--did a seminar with Fred Hatfield & had some other business to attend to BUT had some great training sessions.
Thursday conditioning on bag
6 rounds, 1 minute on 1 minute off..........2 sets of 3 rounds 20 seconds all out fury, 20 seconds off----these are what we call gas station training--very tired at the end but this FUN and has been very effective conditioning and fast loss (see video at bottom)
Box Squats up to single (progression still going strong)
Glute Ham Raise x 5 -- sissy squats x 12 (superset 4 times)
Reverse Grip Dbell Bench Press--neutral grip pull up superset 8 --6 4 supersets
occlusion arm training
Hill Sprints--sprint up hill (approx 30 yards) walk down slow--did this 20 minutes (felt surprisingly fast and well conditioned)
Will Post Monday through the rest tomorrow