I will have a bunch more updates as week goes on getting ready to leave Tampa and have to catch a flight
Friday Workout (Lower back is little off so I avoided loading it Friday as per instruction of my Chiropractor who is very aggressive, best in DFW in fact his name is Dale Sandvall in Arlington, TX)
--occlusion leg ext-8 sets 20 (felt amazing)
--leg curls seated-4 sets 8
--10 sets 3 reps tbar chest supported row (5 sec negative)
Supersetted with dbell floor pause fly 8 reps for 5 sets and 5 sets of overhead tri ext
short good workout
Jailhouse BW training In my hotel room
Sunday off
Seminar went great Sunday will post some pics and such this week has Bpak and Chris Cormier show up which was awesome!
Getting to be a habit to eat right when out of town which is huge for me!