Triceps = Happy Ending
This is a great finisher for the triceps that makes use of the elitefts™ Pro Mini bands and the 4" training grenade ball.
Slip knot two to four mini bands around a power rack (or other sturdy and bolted down item) and hook the grenade ball on the other end. Using the same form as you would a dumbbell Triceps extension begin by doing as many reps as you can with one arm and proceed to the next. Without rest, repeat this process three to four times until your triceps are pasted.
Some tips:
- Take a band off each set to keep the reps higher.
- If it begins to get too hard than you can't get more than 6 reps take a step of two back.
- Don't stop until your triceps are completely pasted.
* The great thing with this finisher is that it's very easy to recover from, so you add volume to your training, increase blood flow to the elbows and triceps and it has very little negative effect on recovery.