There are far more details than this, but if any of these are not able to be checked off, then run away. This is the absolute bare minimum and still is not close to qualified in my opinion.
There are three types of online “coaches”:
1. Those who are good at what they do. It’s their profession and they give a shit.
2. Those who really want to become better and are working their asses off learning how to and someday will really be good.
3. Those who do it to pay their meet, training and other lifting expenses. They don’t give a shit about you and really have no clue as to how to help those who need it, but because “almost” everything works for beginners, they have found a way to make a quick buck taking advantage of that.
READ: How to rank your powerlifting coach. Elitefts does NOT sell online programming and has zero vested interest in this. All of our content is free, including the programs on the site.
We have over 1m pages and a 20-year archive of information that has been provided by the support of elitefts customers. They continue to lay the foundation for us to keep producing content for future coaches, lifters and trainers.
@elitefts Table Talk Podcast #6 takes a deep dive into this topic
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