I learned more from Louie Simmons (and continue to do so) than I learned during all my years in college and the seven years I spent competing before moving to Westside Barbell. What he taught and exposed me to was a complete paradigm shift. It wasn't just transformative for me; Louie was a pioneer in freely sharing all training information. Ed Coan once told me that Louie was the first one to put it all out there for free; thirty years ago this was unheard of. Louie still does this today through articles and podcasts. When I talk and write about "passing on" knowledge and information from those who helped me, Louie comes to mind every time. I would not be what I am today without the help, support, and aggression of Louie Simmons and the crew I trained with over the 14 years I was there. Forever grateful.
The post below is the about the price Louie has paid to acquire his plethora of knowledge. Along with Louie, hundreds of others have paid their dues to move Westside Barbell forward. Muscle pulls, strained relationships, careers on hold, surgeries, replacements, and death. No other gym has had so many give so much in the name of making one gym and one training method better.
It was never about what Westside could do for you, but what you could do for Westside.
This is a statement I heard Louie say hundreds of time.
Wherever you train, whoever you train with, and/or represent... Are you waiting for them to make you better? - or - Are you busting your ass, doing what you have to do, to make them better?
Source Link: Westside Barbell The Official Fan Page
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