March 2017, I was at the Arnold competing. I had gone alone, but had contacted some team members to help wrap my knees as I knew that would be the only major help I'd need for the day. As I started warming up for squats, Christian Anto came over and asked if I needed help. I hesitated and said, "Well, someone was supposed to be around to wrap, but I can't find him."
He offered to help... actually, he insisted to help because "that's what teammates are for."
Yes, I thought he was hot, but no, there wasn't any romantic interest at the time. He was there to help and coach. He showed me the utmost respect in those regards.
We connected again October 21 at the EliteFTS Business Summit and by the end of that weekend, we both knew something was there. Tack on a surprise visit I made to Memphis just a week later for his birthday and it was written in the cards.
We made it work for almost 8 months long distant, working to see each other about once a month either visiting each other, going to meets, or EliteFTS events. It sucked, but also helped us build the trusting, communicating relationship that we both set the standard of from the start.
After a couple weeks, I knew I wanted to be with him forever. The idea of getting married again scared me, to be completely honest. But because of the standards we set, and the way he treated me, I knew it was different. Pretty soon, the idea of getting married was a topic that was brought up a couple times a month.
I sent my sister-in-law ring ideas for months and we even got my ring size. So I knew it was coming at some point. I thought maybe by the end of the year, but with him moving, starting his business over and all the other changes, I didn't think it would be any time soon... AT ALL.
I can't really say much else. I knew my sister in law was giving him ideas. I knew he would ask me. I knew we would get married. I just had no idea it would be soon. Or at the place where it all started. At the place that means so much to me as an athlete and coach. At the place that brought Christian and I together, doing what we love... training and coaching.
The entire day of LTTX was full of coaching. We coached our asses off. Those are long days for everyone involved. So any type of surprise or proposal was the FURTHEST thing from my mind.
As the last question of the day got asked (as you'll see below), I was chuckling. It was an odd question to ask, but Bianca, the girl who asked, was in our coaching group. So she saw the dynamic of us throughout the day. So it was a legit question, yet still odd.
As Christian starts talking, I am formulating my own answer, because I'm assuming the mic is coming to me next.
Much to my surprise................................................
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