Cory competed in the APF South Dakota Meet on 2/6/16. Here’s what he had to say about his day as well as his training leading into the meet:
“This was my first meet since June of last year and was definitely ready to hit the platform. I have run through several cycles of the M2Method. I used the raw program with some help from Brian to incorporate it into geared lifting. All of my lifts have improved well over time with using the M2Method. Every cycle I ran with it I made steady progress with no plateau and have felt great come meet time. This last meet was the same. I followed the last few weeks of the M2equipped program once it came out. My training was on and the weight was moving well in the gym. Come meet day I felt a little nervous after not competing for some time. I started my warm ups a little later then I wanted but the weight felt light. I opened with 606 on squat and missed it didn’t sit back into my squat and the weight shifted forward. Decided to go to 611 for a second attempt. The weight wasn’t an issue and hit 611 on my second for 3 whites. Took a bigger jump then I planned for third and went to 644. Weight felt light on my back and hit it for 3 whites.
[youtube= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewXI3HSnf2I]
On to bench I went feeling good after my squats. I opened with 424 and got it for 3 whites. Went 440 on my second and it went smoother then my opener. For my third I decided to go 451. Everything went smooth and it moved really fast. Was the best bench out of the 3 for 3 whites.
[youtube= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zRIHFAledk]
Moved on to deadlifts. Was feeling a little tired. Wasn’t in meet shape from not competing for so long. Opened with 562 and it went smooth for 3 whites. Second attempt I went 589 and hit it for 3 whites and a new APF national record in the 165 single ply open class. Decided to go for 606 on my third. Set up felt good and had good speed off the floor but hit a wall at my knees and couldn’t push my hips through. Was a little disappointed but all in all it was a good day. Finished with a 1686 total. Really wanted 1700 but it will come. I’m really looking forward to running a fully 12 week cycle on the M2Equippped method. Following Brian’s program has really helped all my lifts. Even my raw numbers haven gotten better. From my last meet in June to the most recent in February I went from 1598 total to a 1686. Squat went from 606 to 644. Bench went from 418 to 451. And deadlift went from 584 to 589. But know I will make more improvements as time goes on. As long as I can make everything I work I plan to compete at the APF nationals in May.”
[youtube= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bM48HssNm80]
Congrats Cory!
Cory has continued to make consistent improvements both equipped and raw while following both the M2 Raw and Equipped Methods. I hope to be able to share the platform with him for a battle at the APF Equipped Nationals in May.