Diana began training with me on May 5th after seeing April Harper’s progress on the M2 Method posted on Instagram.
Diana had been training at a crossfit gym but had more desire to increase her strength and wasn’t seeing the progress she had hoped for.
On her first day of training with me she worked up to 145 on the squat off of a high box, 95 on the bench off of a 3 board, and 175 on the deadlift off of 4” blocks. Based off of her current best lifts we initially set her projected maxes for a 185 squat, 105 bench, and a 195 deadlift which we hoped to have her achieve at the end of the 12 week training cycle. Since she works as a flight attendant with an uncertain schedule she can only make it in to train with me once or twice a week. Because of this I opted to modify the typical 3 day M2 Split to do the main movements for each lift each time she trained with me as well as 2 or 3 accessory exercises to focus on her weak points.
This past week she squatted 205 for a double, benched 115 for a single, and deadlifted 195 for a double. In just 6 weeks she had made more progress than we had hoped for in 12!
Congrats Diana!
Real people, real results : The M2 Method