Every morning I send my son some words of encouragement as he attends Bishops College in Canada on the east coast.
He got back from a week's break on Sunday night and what he tells me had a shitty hockey practice on Monday.
If you know my son, he is way harder on himself than I have ever laid on him and he keeps high expectations of his performance regardless if they are academic or athletic.
When he doesn't perform to his expectations he then gets it in his psyche that "he's not good enough" or worthy of the prize.
Today I gave him my words of encouragement that was...
"It takes 300 repetitions to create a proper movement pattern. It takes 5000 reps to correct a faulty one. It takes 10,000 reps to perfect a skill such as a squat, a bench press, a wrist shot, or a slap shot. How long does it take to get to 10,000 reps? For most...about ten years!
You have a lot of time on your side to perfect almost everything. Have a great day, Son"
Just know this, make your mistakes in PRACTICE so that when it comes "Game Time" we have most of the wrinkles ironed out. Relax, you have this!!!
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 30 mins
Prowler: 10x120 yards
Ab Wheel: 2x15
Suspended Knees to Elbow: 2x15
DB Side Bends: 2x15
Deadlift: 5 Rep Max
-use a double overhand until you can't grip it anymore
-then switch for one more set at a heavier weight for your last set of five
GHR: 40 reps
Reverse Hyper: 3x12
Pull-ups: 2x10
Chin-ups: 2x10
Push-ups: 2x25
Bike Commute: 30 mins. (had to take a detour)