Complaining about the brand of FREE beer a a friend's house is forbidden.  Temperature of said beer, if not cold should result in a gang tackle and dog pile.

Today's Training:

Tier I


Run: 5K

When I write a total rep count only, it means to meet the objective in as few sets as possible

C/S Row: 60 @ 140 lbs

Wide Mag Bar Pull down:60 @130

Medium Grip Mag Bar Pulldown: 60 @130

Ab Wheel Rollout: 60 reps

Slant Board SLR: 60

Hyvk 5-7's: 60

AirDyne: 15 minutes


Tier II

Knees to Elbow: 60

Ab Wheel: 60

45 degree Back Ext.: 60

Side Plank Hip Up: 30 each side

Hyvk: 5-7's: 30

Sit Ups: 60


Concept II Row: 15 minutes

C/S Row:
