Next week we finally film the training footage for the TRTbodybuilding/Longevity2 DVD and I am pumped. At the same time, when it rains it pours so it is incredibly stressful right now with everything that has to get done and my Dad was awesome enough to come out to Colorado at the last minute to build my deck for our hot tub this week. I am grateful, no doubt, but this week is about the worst week to do it. lol
I am not necessarily "prepping" for the training footage but if I am being honest, I am dieting and paying close attention to my condition because as much as I don't need to be ripped like I would be for a show, I do need to be in good off season condition, lean, but still strong and full. So, I'm doing some cardio, keeping the diet tight and I haven't taken a cruise for my training in quite a while figuring I would cruise the week after the footage is done while we have people in town for our annual motorcycle trip. Seemed like good timing - not only for the cruise but to get the deck done before everyone gets here from out of town and my deck will be ready to go.
I just had no idea how hard it is to build a deck - primarily digging post holes. Now, I have done labor in the past so don't bust my balls about not wanting to get my hands dirty. Digging post holes in Colorado dirt/rock at 9200 ft elevation is no joke. My shoulders after the first day were sore like I had done 30 sets of side laterals. In fact, I am considering adding post-hole digging to my delt workout to bring them up to par. It would probably work.
Aside from the shoulder workout, though my back has been GREAT for a while now, standing for long periods of time and constantly bending in different directions irritates my back quite a bit. It has been tight as hell the last couple of days and I had to train legs yesterday. You might find it odd that my back usually feels better AFTER training legs but this is precisely the reason I decided to try training legs twice a week - well, that and my legs could use more size, of course. My back feels much better today after squatting yesterday. This makes me wonder what training legs three times a week would feel like on my back.
Framing and decking it today and then getting the last workout for the week in tomorrow. I admit that I skipped out on cardio for the last 2 sessions of the week figuring the work I am doing all day on the deck will suffice and I am sure it will.
By this weekend I will have my new deck in, Dad will go home, my client will come into town for next week to film the training footage and then Saturday everyone arrives for the motorcycle trip and I am on vacation for a week.
I need it - more mentally than physically. Riding is therapy. The gym is too but nothing like riding. 🙂