Just for fun, I choose one person per day to "pick on" regardless of who they are. Normally I will pick on one of my "training partners" and it starts with the normal "chirping" that made John Gruden resign.
No big deal!
Yesterday I thought it would be wise to include some of the gals in the program and all was going well when I turned my attention to one young lady that just wasn't in a good place for the fun and games.
I knew right of way to back the fuck off, apologize and recognize she was NOT to be fucked with.
When it was just the fellas hanging around when we finished they gave me a look as if to say..."What was THAT all about???"
I began with, "Women are NOT like men no matter what anyone says".
Then my favorite subject was brought up..."Toxic Masculinity". That's when the thought of how a REAL man's man knows when to keep hammering and when to back off.
You see, masculinity isn't toxic. It's men who are not masculine that are toxic.
Weak little men use and abuse women instead of stepping up to lead and protect them.
Our society is suffering from a shortage of real masculinity and that brings great harm to women and children who have no protectors.
We need to do more of that and be cognizant of the emotions that are about us daily.
Today's Training:
Airdyne: 30 minutes
Dynamic Effort Squat: 10x2
Dynamic Effort Dead Lift: 20x1