Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Stop & Think
You ever stop and think about what you spend most of your day doing, thinking, writing and working on?
How much of it is spent doing pretty much... worthless shit?
Mind you, worthless shit has it's place and time and is a great way to decompress and relax from being "in the shit" all the time. But, how much of your time is this REALLY taking away?
Let's not look at this as time you can never get back, while true, it's also time not used to help you get where you want to go. This is one area I really try to pay attention to because many times in life you are battling one event after another and if you don't pay attention to what's really going on it will suck you dry or all your creative and strategic planning and execution. To me this isn't acceptable.
My Training
With my own training and nutrition plan I have spent the last few weeks preparing to prepare. I know my weight has to come down, I know what I will weight when this is done, I know where I am physically & mentally right now and know where I need to be. I know what my body can handle now and what it will have to handle in the future. These are questions and answers I have been working out over the past few weeks.
- - I have tracked all the food I've ate for the past two week (nothing changed so the value was not good). I now know my average kcal intake to not gain or lose weight is 4150.
- - I have had some training sessions where I didn't do much and others where I really busted my ass. I now know what volume my body can handle and that I need to stay a few reps shy of failure for now.
- - I know my aerobic base sucks and for my recovery to be where I need it to be this will need to be addressed.
- - I know half of the time I do not want to train but if I go IN the gym I will do what I need to do. Rather than not go I am now at a place that if I go I will get something done.
I do not see a need to post every session I have done I will post a couple so you can get an idea of what I am doing and you will be able to see how it will progress from there.
Here is what I did on my Pressing Day
Hammer Decline Press
*4 warm up sets
* Worked up over 5 sets to a heavy set of 8 that still left 3 reps in the tank
Machine Flies
* 5 sets 10 with 3 reps in the tank
Bench Press with Shoulder Saver Pad
* 5 sets 15 with 135
* 3 sets 15 with 185
* 1 set 15 with 225
That's it....
Here is my last leg day
Seated Leg Curl s/s with Glute Press
* 3 warm up sets 8
* 8 work sets of 10 (2 reps shy of failure)
Squat Machine
* 2 warm up sets 10
* 6 work sets of 10-15 (2 reps shy)
Leg Extensions s/s Sissy Squat
* 4 sets 15 and 8 (2 reps shy of failure)
Over the past few weeks almost all of my time has been spent thinking, observing, feeling, paying attention and speaking to those I depend on for my training about what I need to do, the different paths to get there, where I am now and what I need to do to press on. Through friends, training partners and those I call advisers we've discussed ideas and events that need to happen because these are what will lead to getting them done. Ya, I guess we do speak about other people from time to time but I can't recall who they were or why they were discussed.