I am nearing the end of this Mashed Up Meathead Phase and will begin working into the next Macro Phase of Training Soon. I will share as this begins to unfold.
This is a log update for the last several sessions:
Monday, chest.
This week I decided to start throwing in a lot of giant sets just to increase the volume, but to actually lessen the time I was going to be in the gym because of what my work schedule was like during the week.
On Monday, the exercises that I selected were flat dumbbell chain press, machine flyes, machine presses, decline hammer press.
After three warm up sets of 15-20 reps, I did four giant sets between 10 and 15 reps, failing on each set. There was no rest between each exercise. There was about 3-4 minutes rest between each giant set. This was followed by chain flyes super setted with dips. With this series, I did two warm up sets of 10 and then five work sets of 10-15 using a slow tempo. I don't want to say a super slow tempo, but I will say it was slower than my normal tempo, for each exercise.
Tuesday, shoulders.
The exercise selection for this day was standing dumbbell side raises, rear delt machine, blast strap rear delt high pulls, sandbell seated front raises. Two warm up sets of 10 repetitions, five work sets of 15-20 repetitions. All sets to failure. This was followed by two sets of neck work and four sets of seated toe presses for calves.
Wednesday, training day off.
I really try not to train on Wednesdays because of the muscle activation therapy I get in the morning. If I have a good day in the morning and there's not a whole lot that needs corrected, then I may train arms. If the therapy in the morning isn't so good, then I'm not going to do any training at all. Wednesday was a day that I didn't do any training at all.
Thursday, legs.
The exercise selection for the giant set was yoke bar squats, hack squats, leg presses, leg extensions, kettle bell squats, and standing leg curls. Two warm up sets of 10 reps, one weight increase for one more warm up set of 10 reps, then four sets of 15-20 reps with all sets taken two reps shy of failure with the exception being the kettle bell squats, which I probably could have gone 10, 15, 20 more reps with if I really wanted to.
After that circuit, I did two sets of standing calf raises and my calves were cramped so bad I could barely walk, so once I got the cramps out of my calves, I tried to do one set of seated toe pushes and my calves cramped again. I then realized I was done. I don't think the cramping was due to the training. The training on a brutality scale would have been about a six. I could have used more weight and thrown this up to an eight on the brutality scale, but I dialed it back a little bit because I spent pretty much all day either on my feet or driving, with the majority of the time being on my feet.
By the time I got into the gym, it's 6:30, my feet were killing me. I was pretty much mentally already worn out, so my back was hurting. My goal at that point in time after doing a couple warm up movements, and trying to see how I was going to feel was just to get as much blood in the legs as I possibly could without a ton of strain and that's what I did. Nothing too intense, but enough to get the job done. This is three weeks post quad pull, so it's about ... This is the last week that I can basically be a puss is what I'm saying. Next week I'm going to have to jack it up on something to see how the quads really doing. It felt great today, but there was nothing to write home about. Just a lot of burning, a lot of pain, and a lot of blood.
Saturday - Back
Chopper Rows - began with a quarter and worked up from there until we have 3 quarters and 3 plates for a super heavy set of 10. The last 4 sets working up counted as work sets with reps ranging between 6-10 with 2-3 reps left in the tank.
DD Pull Downs - no real need for warm up sets on this as my back was trashed after the first movement. 6 work sets of 8-12 reps with all sets to failure.
Low Rows with DD Handle - 2 warm up sets of 10 reps and then 3 sets of 8-10 pulled low, 3 sets of 8-10 pulled to mid torso and 3 sets pulled to chest. All sets to failure.
Sandbell Pullovers - 4 sets of 8-12 reps with all sets to failure
Back Attack - 2 warm up sets and 3 4 work sets of 8-10 - 4 reps shy of failure.
We had several team members and friends in the gym today. Be looking for new videos soon.
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