My training History: I trained less than one year before competing in my first powerlifting meet as a teenager back in 1983. Before leaving the sport in 2005 I achieved my elitefts status in the 198,220,242,275 & 308 weight class. Throughout these years I did have a 3 year run in the bodybuilding world. Loved the training didn't like the competing aspect so I went back to my first love, powerlifting. Injuries have been a part of my life ever since I can remember and were the biggest reason for leaving the sport (I can no longer hold a squat bar on my back). I have degenerative joint disease, have had two shoulder surgeries (right shoulder now needs replaced), one full hip replacement, knee surgery, herniations in all three regions of my spine, Bone spurs in places I didn't know you could get them, planter facetious, tendonitis and bursitis. I can't even begin to list the number of muscle tears I have had, surgical and non surgical. I am "The Mashed Up Meathead" and this is my story.
You can find my training log archives HERE and my most current training log posts HERE.
My best lifts are behind be but my best training is yet to come.
* Unless otherwise noted the tempo of the work sets is about 1/2 of what most would consider normal. In most cases, if I did the set with normal temp what I fail at with 8-10 reps in training I could do for 20 reps with a normal tempo. This is to keep the joint stress down while increase the stress on the muscle. I have found this to work best for me provided the conditions listed in my training history above.
Dumbbell Press
* 6 warm up sets. These are done with different grips and light weight. I will do some of the first sets with only 15 pounds and a reverse grip as this is the best warm up I have found for pec tears and bicep tendon issues. After that I will change to the most comfortable grip I can find and keep working up to a weight I feel I would be able to do 20 reps with. When I get to this weight I slow the tempo down, and increase the contraction so I will fail between 6-10 reps.
* 3 work sets of 10 reps (to failure)
Decline Hammer Press
*3-4 warm up sets
* 3 work sets of 10-12 to failure
Machine Fly
* 2 warm up sets
* 4 sets 12-15 (to failure)
Cable Fly
* 2 warm up sets
* 4 sets 12-15 (to failure)
Barbell Push Ups
* 100 total reps - no idea how many sets.
Dumbbell Fly - Loaded Stretch - 60 count
Cardio - 10 minutes bike
Seated Shoulder Raise
* 2 warm up sets 20
* 4 work sets 10-12 (to failure)
* 1 set of 4 with 20 second eccentric
Band Pull Apart
* 4 sets 15-20 (to failure)
Rear Delt Machine
* 3 warm up sets of 8
* 2 sets of 20 - 25 reps (to failure)
Side Dumbbell Swings
* 2 sets 50
Swiss Pulldown Bar
* 4 warm up sets wide grip
* 2 work sets with each grip (6 total sets) x 8-10 reps (to failure)
Grenade Ball Straight Arm Pull Over
* 4 sets 15
Tsunami Bar Straight Arm Pull Down
* 1 warm up set
* 4 work sets of 10-12 reps (to failure)
Low Rows - DD Handle
" 2 warm up sets
* 4 sets 10-12 (to failure)
DD Reverse Seat Pull Down
* 4 sets 10-12 (to failure)
* 50 reps
Cardio - 15 minutes
Muscle Mace Pushdowns
* 4 warm up sets of 20
* 4 work sets of 8/8/8 (8 reps with each series of grenade balls)
Cross Body KB Extensions
* 2 triple sets of 8/6/3
Standing One Arm Extension
* 4 sets 10-12 (to failure)
* 1 set of 4 using 20 second eccentrics
* 1 set - loaded stretch for 60 count
Dumbell Curls
* 2 warm up sets
* 4 sets 8-10 (to failure)
Reverse Curls
* 2 sets 15
Standing Face Curls
* 2 warm up sets
* 4 work sets of 10-12 (to failure)
* Loaded stretch for 60 count on the last rep of last set
Cardio - 10 minutes
Friday - off
Yoke Bar Box Squat with Reverse Light Bands
* Warm up sets were what ever was needed. To goal was to work up to a moderate - hard set of 10-12 reps. I worked up to 6 plates per side for 12 reps.
*** This was not "controlled tempo - I just fucking squatted because that the way I love to do it. My body can't handle it often but when it does I am going to do what I love the most the way I love to do it.
Seated Leg Curls
* 6 sets of 30 reps
* 1 set of 4 using 20 second eccentrics
Leg Extensions
* 6 sets of 30 reps
* 1 set of 4 using 20 second eccentrics
Hip Abducation
* 3 sets 15-20 (to failure)
Hip adduction
* 3 sets 15-20 (to failure)
Glute Press
* 3 sets of 15
** I have been toying around with different loaded stretches for my quads, hips and hamstrings and haven't found anything that feels safe or right.
* weight down another pound 277. I should be dropping two pounds per week but I was waiting for results of blood work before making changes. Last blood pull was 8 weeks ago so some things take time to change but everything is heading in the right direction but more aggressive changes need to be made.
* My D was still low despite supplementation and spending three weeks in the sun. We (doctor and I) that no changes here need to be changed except I have to work harder at getting the CHO down. Starch carbs and dairy is now pulled from diet.
* T levels are back on par and estrogen is back where in needs to be. This is mostly due to stress management and sleep
* My insulin level last test was insane high (close to 90), this is now 10. This is due to cutting down (almost totally) sugar.
* I have added probiotics and a greens supplement on top of the other supplements I take (D, B complex, Baby Aspirin)
* I have no added in any protein shakes or Intra Workout drink at this point. I have a bigger issue right now that needs to be addressed first. I do not drink enough water to this is filling those spots.
* The changes over the past couple the months has helped my joints due to lower inflammation.