My training History: I trained less than one year before competing in my first powerlifting meet as a teenager back in 1983. Before leaving the sport in 2005 I achieved my elitefts status in the 198,220,242,275 & 308 weight class. Throughout these years I did have a 3 year run in the bodybuilding world. Loved the training didn't like the competing aspect so I went back to my first love, powerlifting. Injuries have been a part of my life ever since I can remember and were the biggest reason for leaving the sport (I can no longer hold a squat bar on my back). I have degenerative joint disease and have had two shoulder surgeries (should now needs replaced), one full hip replacement, knee surgery, and some issues with pretty much every joint in my body. I can't even begin to list the number of muscle tears I have had, surgical and non surgical. I am "The Mashed Up Meathead" and this is my story. You can find my training log archives HERE.
Hammer Decline Chest Press
* 5 warm up sets of 10
* 4 work sets of 8
* 1 strip set 8/8/10
Machine Flat Presses
* 3 warm up sets
* 4 work sets of 10-12 (to failure)
- moderate to slow tempo
Machine Flies
* 6 sets of 10-15 (to failure)
Cable Flies
* 6 sets of 10-15 (to failure)
* 1 set of 4 using a 15 count eccentric
* 1 loaded stretch for 45-60 count
- 30 minutes walking
Tsunami Bar Pull Downs
* 5 warm up sets 5-10 reps
* 6 work sets of 8-10 (2 reps shy of failure)
Tsunami Bar Straight Arm Pull Down
* 5 sets 12-15
Hammer Rows - Standing
* 5 sets 6-8 (to failure)
Low Rows with Tsunami Bar
-- I have been using this bar a lot because when I bend it at the ends I feel the contraction much more in my back.
THIS is the bar I use - for the straight arm pulldown THIS one works better. I also use the shorter one for arm work. If I could only get one it would be the shorter one.
* 5 sets 6-8 (to failure)
Hise Shrugs with Standing Calve Raise Machine
* 6 sets 12-15 (5 reps shy of failure). - this is a movement I have to keep light and use a slow tempo and then not do too much to get stiff or sore. If I do I will have a migraine the entire next day. This and all other neck and trap work, I have learned need to be done slow, right and tight or I will pay for it in a big way.
Back Raises
2 sets of 40
DD Handle Pull Down
* 1 set of 4 using 15 count eccentric
*1 loaded stretch using 45-60 count
Muscle Mace Pushdowns
Seated Dumbbell Curls
1/4 Dips
Face Curls
Hammer Curls
Muscle Activation Therapy done in the morning.
Blast Strap Pull Aparts
* Attached to power rack, lean back and pull apart as you would a rear delt raise
* 2 warm up sets of 6
* 4 work sets of 15
Side Raise - Swings
* 3 warm up sets
* 4 work sets of 30 reps
Seated Neutral Shoulder Press Machine
* 2 warm up sets 10
* 4 work sets 12
Rear Delt Machine
* 2 warm up sets
* 2 work sets 10
* 1 set 4 with 15 count eccentric
Lying DB Pullover Loaded Stretch
* 60 seconds
** Nothing on this day was that had or done to failure. I only train my shoulders in phases throughout the year. This is due to my right one being bone on bone and partially frozen. I get enough shoulder work through my lat, chest and other work. I only add shoulders in when I am dieting and trying to look like I lift weights instead of a retired Powerlifter.
Bike - 20 minutes
Seated Leg Curls
* 4 warm up sets of 10-12
* 6 work sets of 15-20 (to failure)
- slow tempo
Yoke Bar Close Stance Box Squats
* 2 warm up sets 10
* 10 sets of 10 with 2 plates per side.
Leg Extensions
* 5 sets 20
* 1 set 4 reps (single leg) with 15 count eccentric
Hip Ab and Adduction
* 4 sets each x 10 reps
Glute Press
* 4 sets 10-12 reps (to failure)
Over a period of time I have been half ass dieting. This means watching what I eat 1/2 of the time, drinking more water and cutting out most of the sugar in my diet. Nothing radical or even hard to do. This has taken my weight from 299 to 281 in the past couple months.
As I move into the next week my diet will not change as the weight is still coming off at a rate I want and I am recovery well from my training. This weeks training was not extremely demanding as it was a moderate volume and effort week.
Effort will bump up next week.