My training History: I trained less than one year before competing in my first powerlifting meet as a teenager back in 1983. Before leaving the sport in 2005 I achieved my elitefts status in the 198,220,242,275 & 308 weight class. Throughout these years I did have a 3 year run in the bodybuilding world. Loved the training didn't like the competing aspect so I went back to my first love, powerlifting. Injuries have been a part of my life ever since I can remember and were the biggest reason for leaving the sport (I can no longer hold a squat bar on my back). I have degenerative joint disease, have had two shoulder surgeries (right shoulder now needs replaced), one full hip replacement, knee surgery, herniations in all three regions of my spine, Bone spurs in places I didn't know you could get them, planter facetious, tendonitis and bursitis. I can't even begin to list the number of muscle tears I have had, surgical and non surgical. I am "The Mashed Up Meathead" and this is my story.
You can find my training log archives HERE and my most current training log posts HERE.
My best lifts are behind be but my best training is yet to come.
* Unless otherwise noted the tempo of the work sets is about 1/2 of what most would consider normal. In most cases, if I did the set with normal temp what I fail at with 8-10 reps in training I could do for 20 reps with a normal tempo. This is to keep the joint stress down while increase the stress on the muscle. I have found this to work best for me provided the conditions listed in my training history above.
Monday Sept 14th and Tuesday Sept 15th
Days off
Wednesday Sept 16th
Reverse Band Press (Strong Band)
* 6-7 warm up sets of 5-8 reps
* Worked up to top set of 475x10 reps (maybe 3-4 left in the tank)
Chain Flies
* 2 warm up sets of 10
* 4 work sets of 10-12 reps (to failure)
Fly Machine
* 1 warm up set of 15
* 3 work sets of 12-15 (to failure)
* 4 negatives using a 10 count
Barbell Push Ups
* 100 total reps - no idea how many sets this took but before I was done I was only getting sets of 3-4 reps. 30 seconds between sets.
Thursday Sept 17th
Standing Dumbbell Swings
* 5 warm up sets of 12-30 reps
* 3 work sets of 30 -40 reps (to failure)
Rear Delt Band Pulls
* 5 work sets 15-20 reps
One Arm KB Presses
* 6 warm up sets
- any shoulder pressing is very hard for me to find a position that doesn't hurt
* 4 work sets of 12-15 (to failure)
Hise Shrugs
* 2 warm up sets 10
* 6 work sets 12-15 reps (to failure)
Friday Sept 18th
Muscle Mace Pushdowns
* 4 warm up sets
* 3 work sets of 12
KB Tricep Extensions
* 4 work sets of 12-15 (failure)
Close Grip Barbell Push Ups
* 4 sets of 12-20 (failure)
Dumbbell Curls
*2 warm up sets of 10
*4 sets of 8-10 (failure)
Standing Face Curls
* 4 work sets of 12-15 (failure)
One Arm Machine Curl
* 3 work sets of 12-15 (failure)
Saturday Sept 19th
Seated Leg Curl
* 4 warm up sets
* 4 work sets of 10-15
* 1 work set of 20 with 80 partials
Box Squats with Yoke Bar
* 6 warm up sets of 10
* 3 work sets of 12 with 3 plates per side
- this was light for me but the last time I did these my back was jacked up. Had two MAT sessions and got adjusted as well as Stim so back was feeling way better but still didn't want to go Ape Shit yet
Leg Press
* Worked up to 6 plates per side and did for 4 sets of 15-20 (warming up)
* One work set known as an upset. Did 5 reps and added one plate per side after each series, weight is loaded while holding the press at the top. Keep adding plates until you can't do 5 reps. This was around 14 plates per side. After that staying with 5 reps worked back down. After 4 drops upped the reps to 10, 15 and then 20. When I hit 5 plates per side did 100 reps
Hack Squats
* 2 sets of 20 reps
- this didn't take much to work as I was shot from the leg presses
Leg Extensions
* One leg at a time. 4 negatives of 15 seconds. -- 2 sets
Hip Abduction
* 2 sets 15
Hip Adduction
* 2 sets 15
Glute Press
* 2 sets 15
Sunday Sept 20th
Reverse band Press (same set up as last time)
* worked up to 485 for 12 reps
Chain Flies
* Press up and fly motion down
* 3 sets of 4 reps using a 10 count eccentric
Machine Flies
* 90 count loaded stretch
Cable Cross Overs
* 5 sets of 12-15 reps (to failure)
Decline Press Machine
* 3 warm up sets
* 4 work sets 10-12 reps (failure)
Monday Sept 21th
Tuesday Sept 22th
Dumbbell Swings
* 6 warm up sets of 12-20
* 4 work sets of 20-30 (failure)
Prone Dumbbell Swings (destroyer set)
* 60's for 20, 40's for 40 and 20's for 80 reps
Seated Press Machine
* 4 warm up sets
* worked up to heavy top set of 6 reps
* loaded stretch of 45 count
Behind the Back Cable Side Raises
* 4 sets 12-15 reps (failure)
- behind the back provides for a greater ROM
Seated Machine Side Raise
*Strip set starting with the stack for a few partials. Pulled two plates with each set increasing the range of motion and reps. The last weight of the set was one plate for 30 reps
Muscle Mace Pushdowns
* Warm up sets of 10 reps.
* Stayed with 10 reps and moved down the stack to end with the entire stack for 2 sets of 10
* Cut weight by 50% and did a set of 15 reps with each ball on the mace. One set from bottom to top and the next set from top to bottom.
Seated Dips
* 2 warm up sets of 15
* 4 sets of ? using a 10 count negative (to failure)
Dumbbell Cross Body Extension - Triple Set
* Used 25 pounds and got 15 reps on first round, 10 on second and 4 on third. To do this you do one arm at a time with no rest for all three sets.
KB Kickbacks super set with KB extensions
* 4 sets 15 reps
Overhead Spud Strap Cable Extension
* 60 second loaded stretch
Wednesday Sept 23th
off due to work conflict
Thursday Sept 24th
Yoke Bar Box Squats
* 3 sets 10 reps with 135 - warming up
Seated Leg Curl
* 4 warm up sets
* 3 work sets of 15 (failure)
* 1 set of 30 with 70 partials
Leg Press
* 2 warm up sets
* 7 plates for 100 reps
Leg Extensions
* 2 warm up sets
* 4 work sets of 20 reps
Glute Presses
* 2 sets 15 reps
Giant Set (2 rounds)
- Hack Squat 20 reps
- Yoke Bar Free Squat 20 reps
- Step ups 10 reps
- Leg Extensions 20 reps
- Sissy Squat 8 reps
- Reverse Lunge - 4 reps with 10 count eccentric
* this about killed me
Hip Abduction
* 2 sets
Hip Adduction
* 2 sets
* I pulled cardio because my bodyweight was dropping to fast. This was a mistake because it hurt my recovery a bit
* Training around work has been a bitch
* Added in Intra MD this week - This increase my carbs in training days by 100 so before pulling them out of my meals I want to see where my weight is on Sat. This seems to help my recovery but not as much as light steady state cardio does
* Diet is still around 70-80% strict