Maximal Exertion Method
Load - 90% plus
Movements - 1
Warm Up Sets ≥80% off all sets
Warm Up Reps 3-5
Sets - 1-4
Reps - 1-3 (should not exceed 4 total reps over 90%)
Rest - 2-5 minutes
Frequency - 1-2 total sessions per week
Movement Rotation - 1-3 weeks with 1 being the optimal
Intramuscular coordination
Intermuscular coordination
Reduction of CNS inhibition
Maximal time under tension threshold is increased
Teaches the ability to strain
Teaches the ability to think under load
Increased awareness of body in space under maximal load
Increased joint stability
Enhanced proprioception under load
Increased focus with maximal loads
Great way to find all weak points: mental, physical, and/or technical
Best method for increasing absolute strength
[Note: I do understand many things on this list that are the same, but there are many who do not]
Recovery if movement is not changed frequently
Injury if method is used past technical breakdown
Poor application will yield poor results
Can be problematic if intensity and duration is progressed faster than adaption
Poor movement selection
Not backing down when needed.
One of the most misunderstood methods in strength and conditioning