As you've followed along, you should know by now that Christian Anto is competing June 16... and I am not. But because we are training partners and I always learn from my training, to see what works, what can be changed and how to move forward.
If you follow Christian's log he has gone into a lot of detail regarding the set up of this training cycle. It's a conjugate program with a short prep cycle, only about 10 weeks. We made a few changes based on last meet's prep cycle, but we are learning a few valuable things in this one as well.
We realize now we both need more pulling frequency, but other than that everything seems to be on point.
Here's what went on the past month:
Week 1
ME Squats (wrapped) + double Red Bands Max Single: 220
Narrow Stance SSB Pause Squats 2x5: 155
Leg Press 3x12
Reverse Hyper 3x12
6 month Prone Position
ME Bench + Double Thin Orange Max Single: 165
Spotto Press + 2 count pause 2x5: 135
Leg Press Bent Over Rows 3x12
Cable Rear Delts 2x20
Paloff Presses 3x12
Speed SSB BoxSquat 12x2 @ 120 + 2 chains each side
Speed Deads 15x1 @ 135 + 4 chains
Step ups Slow eccentric 3x10
DB RB good-mornings 2x20
Reverse Hypers 100 swings
Day 4
Speed Bench 12x3 @ 95 + 1 chain each side
Close Grip Bench Medium Set of 6 @ 135
Pull-ups 5x5
Incline Tate Press 3x12 @ 25
Side Planks 3 x 1 min
ME Squats (wrapped) + 6 chains Max Single: 255
Narrow Stance SSB Pause Squats 2x5 @ 155
Leg Press 2x15
ME Bench Max Single: 150 + 2 chains each side
Spotto Press + 2 count pause 2x5 @ 135
Leg Press Bent Over Rows 4x12
Cable Rear Delts 3x20
Paloff Presses 4x12
Speed SSB Box Squat 8x2 @ 135 + 2 chains each side
Max Deads + 4 chains: 310
Reverse Hypers 100 swings
Speed Bench 8x3: 105 + 1 chain
Pull-ups 5x5
Incline Tate Press 4x12
Side Planks 3 x 1 min
Wk3 Opener
ME Squats (wrapped): 275, 295
ME Bench: 175
Cable Rear Delts 2x20
Paloff Presses 2x12
Speed SSB Box Squat 6x2: 150 + 2 chains each side
Speed Deads 6x1: 165 + 4 chains
Wk4 2nd attempt
ME Squats (wrapped): 290, 310
ME Deadlift: 320
ME Bench: 185
Leg Press Bent Over Rows 1x12
Cable Rear Delts 2x20
Tricep pushdowns 3x20
Speed SSB Box Squat 10x2 @ 120 + 2 chains each
Speed Deads 10x1 @ 135 + 4 chains
Glute hams 2x12
Reverse Hyper x50