We all know what it's like when "old guys" tell everyone how hot their wives or gf's are and then the rest of us look away and roll our eyes. Hey, I do it too. I am that guy this week. Plus, I don't give a shit if you or anyone else thinks she is hot or not - I think she is and that is really all that matters.
More importantly, I get my awesome training partner back and it's been a while. About 8 years, give or take. Don't get me wrong, she has shown up to the gym on and off (more off than on) in the last 8 years but it has been lackluster, at best. Your training partner needs to bring something to the table for you as well - a team effort - so-to-speak. For years it was quite lopsided in that I was providing structure, training motivation, etc., and she was providing well, nothing other than a yawn or two, the chance for me to bitch at her for having her phone out and not always being in great shape - which, if you think about it, goes without saying. I bitched quite a bit for the last several years as I waited for her to come back around to wanting to really kill it in the gym.
This week we changed gyms and she has been working her ass off all week training harder and pushing more weight than she has in years. For those that don't know, she isn't a competitor but did compete back in 08 a couple of times in figure. Back then she was training her ass off, as well, so you can imagine that since then I have been impatiently waiting for her to come back around. Anyone who trains with their spouse knows the feeling when your spouse isn't into it when you really want them to be.
This week has been uneventful in the gym, otherwise. I am enjoying the new selection of equipment, squatting again and not having to race the clock to get done before they close (they are open 24 hours - hence the name). Plus, we save a bit of time on the commute as it is closer to the house and we live in the middle of pretty much nowhere so any time we can save is a huge bonus.
My weight is up a little bit as I have bumped my carbs slightly and fats a little bit. Body fat isn't up much, if at all, but I am a bit distended from the change in food sources to the small addition of calories. The nice thing is that the food is going down sooo much easier as I added some unsweetened greek yogurt with frozen fruit and some feta cheese to my chicken breast meals of which I am using already cooked chicken from Tyson. I have wanted to try this for a while but finally caved and the convenience is just sooo awesome in that I don't have to cook - just warm it up. Preparing food and eating it has been much less of a chore the last couple of weeks. I will detail my food plan, diet changes, etc., in the TRTbodybuilding DVD, of course.
Oh, and we have our 23rd Anniversary this weekend and will be staying in Steamboat to have kidless time and just chill. Hope you have a great weekend as I know I will.