I competed in NPC Junior Nationals on June 12-13. I came in with a much bigger and leaner package than years past. Since July we have slowly transitioned from a bodybuilding split to more of a powerlifting/strength focus, while still hitting lots of volume to build mass. Scott Paltos has been doing my programming since March. We've added quite a bit of muscle and are continuing to work some technical things with my raw lifts. Raw meet in early May!!!
Had a really good week of training. What started off thinking I was going to have somewhat of a set schedule for this training cycle completely turned. A lot going on but the work has been getting done.
I finally went back and saw one of my original massage therapists. She's local and does a fantastic job, so I know I can get to her on a regular basis. Of course every time I go to her she reminds me what a mess I am. But.... she found a bunch of scar tissue around my hip so spent some time working on that.
Happy Birthday to Captain Paltos too!
Kids are spring break this week, so let's see if I can keep them occupied... and keep from killing each other. Lol. They actually get along really good most of the time, but like we all do, they have their moments. Baseball and softball gear gotten, so we're gearing up for season to start soon.
This is my secondary pressing day. Bench accessories, no barbell work and lots of volume.
A. DB bench press 6x10
B. Rolling triceps 4x12
C. Pulldowns 5x10
D1. Seated Laterals 3x12
D2. Seated cleans 3x8
E. Banded pushdowns x100
F. DB row 2x20
Little bit of technical work on this day. Felt great. Sumos still gotta keep hips down but getting used to modified stance.
A. Speed box squats 12x2 vs minis @ 155
B. Sumo deads 6x3 @ 255
C. Pulsed lunges 4x15ea
D. Pull-ups weighted 8x3 up to 25#
E. Leg extensions 3x15
F. Banded hamstring curls x100
G. Abs 5mins - ab rollouts
Today felt great! Easy paused singles and worked on leg drive throughout the entire press, not just the beginning. Kept it short and sweet since there was a lot of pressing... moved back and accessories to following days.
A. Bench - 3 singles @ 170 paused
B. Bench - 3x4 @ 155
C. Close grip w/ slingshot - 3x15 @ 135
D1. Grenade/chain skullcrushers - 4x12
D2. Side laterals - 4x10 drop set last
E. DB Flyes - 3x10
Back and extra hammies, since I won't be squatting for a few more days.
A. Pull-ups wide grip 4x5
B. Bent over rows 5x12
C. Pull-ups 4x4 weighted
D. DB stiff leg deads 4x8-10
E. Hamstring curls seated 4x12-15
F. Rear pec deck 4x15
G. DB rev incline shrugs 4x20
H. Abs 4mins - stir the pot and reverse crunches
Shoulder and arm work. Working to keep up shoulder size throughout powerlifting prep.
A. Standing shoulder press 4x6-8
B. Machine laterals 4x10 drop set last one
C1. Incline DB Tate presses 4x12
C2. Ez curl curls 4x12
D. Rev Ez bar pushdowns 3x12 drop set last one
E. Hammer curls 4x10 drop set last one
F. Plate bus drivers 3x50
G. Incline curls 2x15