I competed in NPC Junior Nationals on June 12-13. I came in with a much bigger and leaner package than years past. Since July we have slowly transitioned from a bodybuilding split to more of a powerlifting/strength focus, while still hitting lots of volume to build mass. Scott Paltos has been doing my programming since March. We've added quite a bit of muscle and are continuing to work some technical things with my raw lifts. Raw meet in early May!!!
Welp... deload week got a little shuffled around, but feeling pretty good. Realizing more and more what I need to do.
1. I need to stay aggressive with the weights.
2. What I think is moving slow is really moving "fast". I still have a hard time seeing that, but I'll take their word for it.
3. Which also leads to the fact that I need to be confident that it's moving fast.
4. I need to keep getting the soft tissue work done. Appointment next week and lacrosse ball in the meantime. When I hit certain spots on my hip/glute/hip flexor, it relieves the pinching in my hip. Don't want to overdo it but it certainly does help the day before squat day.
(Good day. Speed felt great. Bar position back where I want it and feeling comfortable again.)
A. Squat comp stance 7x2 @ 50%
B. Snatch grip stiff deads, paused 4x6
C. Single leg leg press 3x12
D. Hamstring curls 4x8
E. Pull-ups 4x6
F. Abs 5mins- KB situps
(GREAT day. The paused singles felt great. First one was better. Second one touched a hair high but still smooth. Feeling confident pausing that weight now. Not a lot of other volume. Had the keep it short today, but the pause pushups at the end were a great finisher.)
A. Bench - 2 paused singles @ 180
B. Bench with slingshot 3x5 @ 180
C. Heavy laterals 4x8
D1. Plate front raise 2x20
D2. Band pushdowns 2x50
E. Pushups with various pauses 3x5
(Little switch up for some heavier squats, which mentally helped me. My squat is what I'm least confident about because it needed the most technical changes and my hip is being just nagging enough for me to be a little hesitant. But today was awesome. Got aggressive. Hit a couple heavy singles and a few accessories and done. Depth perfect, out of the hole perfect... "fast" was what I was told. Need more sessions like that for sure.)
A. Squat - 2 singles, 1 @ 275, 1 @ 285
B. Squat 3x10 @ 160
C1. Pulsed lunges 4x15
C2. Pullups 4x5
D. KB Swings 2x10
E. Glute hams 3x8
And done.