Recent comps:
May 7, 2016 RPS Mid-Atlantic Powerlifting - Raw 132
June 12, 2015 NPC Junior Nationals - Women's Physique
Scott Paltos has been doing my programming since March 2015 for both powerlifting and physique. The off-season was programmed to add more size and work my technique on my raw lifts. Then slowly transitioned to powerlifting meet prep. Possible physique show late summer.
It's been over a year since I stepped on the platform. And pretty much since my first little baby backyard meet ever, it was my first full raw meet. I've thought a lot about how I wanted to write this meet write-up and as I told and thanked a few friends already, I'm not really sure I can put into words all that this weekend was. The past year has been challenging and this meet was important to me on a lot of different levels.
Something became very apparent on my travels back after the meet. I re-watched videos, looked at pictures and heard voices in the background cheering me on.
It was about the support. It was about knowing you had people there you could count on. To hand out, load plates, grab your iPod, video your lifts, and borrow their peanut butter. And beyond that, it was about having people there to lean on, cry with, support, high five, ass smack and laugh with. That's what it's about. No factions or divisions. No bad mouthing or whispering. Just 100% support.
I am proud to be a part of team Elitefts (have been for over 10 years) and to technically "wear their colors" and represent them when I compete. I am also proud to be a part of TeamPump. And while we initially came together because we train under Scott's watchful eye, it's more than a program. Sure, we joke about some of our workouts and we laugh when shit gets crazy. Some come from different "teams", different parts of the country, different sports, backgrounds and lives. And despite all that, they have become like family to me. He has created a culture, one that picks each other up, watches and critiques videos for each other, and texts words of encouragement.
So thank you....
Scott for the programming that fixed a lot, kept me healthy, added size and got me stronger. You are a great coach. Thanks for all you do and looking forward to the next big thing.
Nikki, Megan, Christy, Jay for helping all day, cheering on and just being amazing support. (April and Sue as well, my clients who competed, but Scott so graciously helped take care of them as well when I couldn't.... see that... that's teamwork. Thanks bud.) Mike and Will, couple other Team Pump peeps who have been great support for the past year and checked in a bunch over the weekend to see how we all were doing.
Casey, Yessie, Meana, Hannah who have been big supports along the way. Proud to be team Elitefts.
And while I do train solo the majority of the time, thanks to the guys at the Illiana Power Asylum for their spots and help the last few weeks.
Jason Colley for the fun Grastons and treatment. My other massage lady Kim for keeping me in tact when I couldn't see Jason. And of course my mom and dad... who have supported my lifting the last 20 years, watch the kids when I travel and are just there every step of the way. Love you guys.
I'm not going to do a huge play by play so as not to bore you, but here's the quick rundown.
Got in town Thursday night. Waited, sucking on lollipops, til 10am Friday morning to weigh in with my friend and client April. I weighed in at 130.8. From there we found Christy, ate some breakfast and caught up with the rest of the team (Meg, Scott, Jason) for dinner.
Meet started at 9. And I was the first person in the 2nd flight.
Squats - 2/3
Opener - 275 - easy
2nd - 300 - still smooth. Can see in videos that's the weight that I start to get loose. Definitely struggled getting tight today.
3rd - 320 - miss. Just loosened right up in the hole. Considering I haven't had anything more than 300 on my back all year, I think as I get used to handling those weights again, I'll be good to go.
I also know I need to work on keeping my lats tight throughout. Could be a bar placement issue and again, it could just be getting my torso used to the load.
Bench - 2/3
Opened - 170 - so easy. Felt like 95# on the bar.
2nd - 185 - good. Scott said I hit a little high on my chest. I made the lift, but it should NOT have been that hard. Especially after nailing it in training so many times. Bring the bar a hair lower and you're good.
3rd - 195 - miss. It was a good call on the weight as if I would've nailed it technically, I know it was there. I started to bring it down a little lower, then last second hit high.
Very happy with this though. I know it's not a strength issue and I also know that 185 will be an opener soon. Anxious and ready to keep building this.
After the bench, I was EXHAUSTED. Closed my eyes for 30 minutes, dozed in and out. And I'm so glad I did. I don't think I would've pulled as well if I hadn't napped.
Deadlift - 3/3
Opener - 305 - Easy. Felt great, just like in training
2nd - 330 - good. Still fast, good speed.
3rd - 350 - good. Slowed a little at the knees but still had some left in me.
Scott had run the numbers prior to this attempt. I had motioned to him maybe 355. He said 350 would give me an 835 total. Sure, sounds good, didn't think anything of it. After I pulled it, and he checked the website 5 times to make sure, he told me it was a PRO total and hit the qualifying mark for the Arnold right on the button!
To be honest, that wasn't even a thought I had. Sure, I would've loved to total 900, but I wasn't even thinking Arnold or Pro totals. So to come away with that was pretty cool! Ended up with Best Female Lifter as well.
Overall, I'm extremely happy with my performance. Sure, a few technical errors that I was like "duh Jules" but hit the numbers I wanted. Considering I'm still fairly new to raw lifting, and all the technical changes I've made in the last 12 months... AND all the life chaos, I'm very proud of myself! 🙂
Thanks again to all those who have followed my log with this transition from gear to raw and some bodybuilding in between. I keep saying I'd love to write a Judged (version 2.0) book as I think it would provide some valuable insight into this transition and how I've managed the dual athlete role. I get asked a lot the difference between gear and raw training, powerlifting and bodybuilding and how I've done both. If I can get Paltos to agree to some writing, then I think it would be a big hit.