This installment of the Monster Garage Gym/Maroscher Coaching Log covers three lifters from the MGG as they are in the early stages of their meet training cycle. Featured in this log is Mike Strom (2014 APF Senior Nationals Winner and Best Lifter, 198LB class) training for the APF Senior Nationals, Steve Brock (WPC World Powerlifting Champion and 1,000LB squatter, 308LB class) also training for the APF Senior Nationals and Dr. Al (AAPF National Powerlifting Champion and Best Lifter, 165-181LB class) training for the AAPF Nationals.
The point of this particular log is to show some of the components to competition training within a more dynamic training day vs a max effort type day. The point is also to show a variation of movements and to show the variation in lifters as we juxtapose Steve at 308LBS with Dr. Al at 165-181LBS and 5’3 ½” tall, with Mike somewhere in the middle. Three vastly different lifters for you to compare and contrast. Where they are identical...their meet goals...Big P.R.'s.
In this video, among other movements you will see SSB box squats with accommodating resistance, squats off a foam pad/box, plus speed deadlifts with bands and more traditional deadlifting. (Filmed in HD. Load to 720 or 1080 for HD quality)
Below you will find Steve’s, Dr. Al’s and Mike’s complete workout logs for you to peruse as well as the accompanying video of some of their working sets. We hope the variation of the lifters and their movements is of benefit to you. Ever Onward, Eric Maroscher/Owner: Monster Garage Gym.
Steve Brock:
Speed Squat Day
SSB Bar and Average Onyx Bands, approximately 150LBS of tension at the top.
(2) of 5 reps @ 90lbs +band tension
(2) of 5 reps @ 180lbs + band tension
(1) of 2 reps @ 270lbs + band tension
(1) of 2 reps @ 360lbs + band tension
Working Sets
(4) of 2 reps @ 450 reps + band tension
(3) of 2 reps @ 500 reps + band tension
(1) of 2 reps @ 540 + band tension
(1) of 2 reps @ 630 + band tension
Deadlift with light bands
(3) of 2 reps @ 225lbs + 150lbs band tension
(2) of 2 reps @ 315lbs + 150lbs band tension
(1) of 2 reps @ 405lbs + 150lbs band tension
(1) of 1 rep @ 495lbs + 150lbs band tension
(1) of 2 reps @ 535lbs + 150lbs band tension
(1) of 2 reps @ 575lbs + 150lbs band tension
Aux Lifts
5 sets of Wide stance Leg Press
4 sets of Leg Extensions
4 sets of Hamstring Curls
Dr. Al:
Bar x5x3, 105x5x2, 145x3x1, 195x3x1, 235x3x1, 285x3x1
Suit strap down: 325x3, 375x3, 415x3, 465x3, 505x2
Knee wraps strap down: 555x2,595x2
225x5, 275x2, 315x1, 365x1, 405x1
Straps up 405x1, 455x1, 485x1, 505x1 missed reset for a good lift
Mike Strom:
Warmups- Foam Roll, Band Traction (hips and back), Foam Roll.
Reverse Hyper- 2 plates per side 2x15
Standing Cable Abs- 60x2x20
Pulldowns- 150 2x12
Glute Band warmup.
SSB Box Squat with Average Onyx Band-
(Briefs) 360 6x2, 410 3x2, 450x2
Sumo Deadlift with Light Band-
(Briefs) 225 x 3, 315 3x1, 365x1, 405x1
(Suit bottoms) 315 2x1, 405x1
(Straps up) 495x1
GHR- 4x10
Reverse Hyper- 2 1/2 plates per side 4x10
Standing Cable Abs- 4x20
"Today went well, kept a fast pace through the training session which I am a fan of.
I've been tinkering with setting up a good warmup protocol that doesn't take forever, today's warmups seemed effective and efficient." Mike.
We hope this video and write-up from our coaching log is beneficial to you. Special thanks to Steve Brock, Mike Strom, Dr. Al and the Monsters at Monster Garage gym. Ever Onward, Eric Maroscher.
Maroscher/MGG coaching log:
Eric Maroscher, 2-Time WPC World Powerlifting Champion. Columnist/Coaching Logs, Elitefts. Team Elitefts Member. Owner, Monster Garage Gym
Maroscher/MGG coaches log training footage of: Steve Brock, Mike Strom, Dr. Al. Closing Music by: Rob Scallon, Binary Metal.
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