It's gonna be quick this week.
I have to get out of the office, get home, get changed and get to a Christmas party and drink some of the Whiskey I got as gifts.
I'd like to start off with an excerpt from an email I sent to my list about Christmas, so here goes:
Christmas, it's my favorite holiday. I am not even religious.
The season puts me in a good mood. As a matter of fact, I had a conversation with my son about this the other day.
He asked me why I loved Christmas so much. He knows that I am not religious, so it's not because of that aspect. He asked if it was because Santa came, or that we get presents.
I explained to him that I love Christmas because at this point in time it is a holiday that has religious roots but has become an American tradition. Yeah I know I'll probably alienate some people with this, but if you put on your big person underpants and read the whole thing you'll get it.
You see, Christmas is a religious holiday and it's celebrated the world over, but it is also a huge American tradition, a season.
Yes, I know it is not just about Santa and presents, it has a much deeper meaning to many who are religious.
I continued to explain to him that the world has a lot of problems now and there is always bad news on T.V. and in the papers but during the Christmas season, we tend to see more good.
We see the vast majority of people being a lot nicer to each other.
We see people treat each other, for the most part, the way they should all year.
I explained to him that this is why I love Christmas. If we all treated each other as we do during this season and put aside petty nonsense the world would be a better place.
So there you have it.
Merry Christmas to all of you and Happy Holidays if you don't celebrate it.
Remember, if we all treat each other the way we do during this season for the whole year the world will be better.
Powerlifting Stuff:
My ladies competed a few weeks ago at the RPS Lump of Coal Push Pull meet for charity.
My friend Morgan Mitchell runs the meet and 100% of the revenue generated goes to the Shriners Hospital. We figured let's do it and have some fun, no pressure and help Morgan raise some money.
This really was a no pressure meet. Yes, whenever you compete you want to win but this was a Push Pull and they don't really count to a full meet lifter. It was more for experience and fun.
That's exactly what happened.
The girls all got to do another meet and enjoy themselves at it.
I don't have all the numbers because Russ took my sheet and I forgot to get it back at the time of this writing but all of the girls hit PR's.
We ran them through a heavy volume block for a few weeks and then went back to the usual waves and we also added in a lot more assistance work on the off days to see how they recovered.
I got a lot of good data from this block and they will be dialed in for the meet in April with the knowledge we gained from this one.
That's it.
It's almost 4:00 pm and I have to coach the 4:30 group and then get outta Dodge to go and celebrate Christmas.
Have a safe and Merry Christmas everyone.
Ask me a question-Be sure and Type to Murph in the header
Find me on Google-search for Total Performance Sports Malden, Mass. The Best Gym in Boston, Facebook too.
Oh, yeah, follow us on Instagram too. TPSMalden
Vincere vel mori
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