Yesterday I saw a study done on the grip strength of young men, boys! Although it was a single test, the results made me wonder...
How is it that young men have the grip strength of 30 year old women AND not one boy was stronger than his Dad?
I made a blanket statement on Social Media that instructed "MEN, take your sons to the gym and train with them.", knowing that I wanted to create a dialog.
It wasn't the volume of feedback that made me wonder, nor was its content, but what had me was how FAST it coagulated.
Within SECONDS it lit my screen up!
I was going to respond to each but felt it was better written in an article.
I had feedback such as, "daughters too" which is fine, but I was speaking about the male gender. Why? I believe in the TWO gender species.
I had videos downloaded of young women squatting and benching and deadlifting. I get it! Dads you are proud of your daughters. It's ok that you weren't man enough to father a son and your daughter is now your favorite son. (KIDDING...don't get bent out of shape YET)
Then there were women who included "Moms" taking their sons to the gym. To which I answer...NO! You missed the point entirely.
Here's what I notice. Mom's have done such a fine job making their boys into THEIR favorite daughters that they have also moved the masculine out and replaced it with "I am women hear me roar".
Easy girls. The female is by far my favorite sex. If a women does the same job as a man, YES, she should be paid the same. If she wants to move up any ladder...I say, PROMOTE THEM ALL!
BUT, when you complain that their are no good men left, that's because we MEN have let you have your way and now everyone is paying for it.
Get this, I suggested that DADS bring their sons to the gym for the sole purpose of being around other strong (both physically and mentally and willed) men, so they can TEACH by example how to TREAT a women, and HOW to be a man.
My son looks you in the eye upon meeting you, sticks his right hand out to greet your hand. He shakes it firmly and then smiles and tells you that "it's a pleasure to meet you". He then reports back to me what color eyes you have, and how strong a grip you put on him, because THAT is what I taught him.
I make sure he is polite, and gracious. Because I have taught him those things.
He treats his Mother with respect and admiration, so he will treat his girlfriends later the same way, as he will HIS wife in the future. Why? Because I lead HIM by example.
My wife doesn't clean toilet bowels. I don't work as hard as I do to put her on a pedestal and treat her like the Queen she is to me, to see her head in a toilet! I clean those.
What do you think my son will do? Yep!
He has been a part of the "gym" since he was born. Now understand THIS, the gym is my area of expertise. Maybe you don't go to one...(yea right, you wouldn't be on this site reading THIS if you weren't connected to me by way of Strength and Conditioning) BUT...you go fishing. You can play good old fashion CATCH in the backyard. You can do SOMETHING together with your SON that creates a two way conversation and not have your noses buried into a game controller playing videos.
Prolonged exposure to video games that lead to prolonged use of the internet, and it's dark parts of the web, leads to mistreatment and fantasy and unreal truths of females.
Yes there is a time for that, (although I don't know, I STILL don't have a cell phone) but you can separate those activities.
Dads, manliness is dying and we are the reason.
Even down to its grassroots, their is a defined reason for each sex.
I'm not going to debate this either:
Females continue the species.
Males are Providers and protectors.
In order to provide, men need to have provisions. Food and shelter as well as the breakdown of that word. "PROvision" meaning having a PRO or forward vision of what you need to do in order to protect and serve. What is the BIG picture down the road, where as the female has a duty to the short term objectives.
If we look to the film "Field of Dreams" the underlying theme was that a simple man wanted to have a relationship with his father. He wanted to have a "catch".
Perhaps there is even a deeper meaning for the non atheist that like my diatribes...perhaps? We men are simply looking to have a relationship with THE Father? (I'll save that one for cocktails and snacks)
Anyway, I'm not saying that mom's shouldn't participate in their son's lives. Heck, when asked if I was a "Momma's Boy"? I always answered ...YOU BET I AM! My mom and I had a special relationship, but it's DIFFERENT than the one I had with my Father, my Grandfather (ONE of my mentors) and the other STRONG male influences!
Men must TEACH Boys to become MEN!
Men take your sons to the gym and TRAIN WITH THEM!
They will always remember the lessons.
Fuck...bring them to my gym and watch the fireworks!
Today's Training:
Pop Your Heart-
Concept II Row: 5 minutes steady state followed by EIGHT
20 second HARD-10 second recovery-20 seconds HARD.
Use as much time to recover within 70% then start the next.
Do the same thing.
Inverted Versi Climber: 10 sets of 40 steps on the back side of the Versi Climber
Bike Commute home: 22 minutes
Bicep: 2x Pump
Tricep: 2x Pump