Our emphasis is starting to shift this week. We want the guys to be faster so that is the emphasis on our main movement. Think of the transition as going from strength-speed to speed-strength. While this is not exactly by definition what we did, this is the trend we're following. In the last block we were using two plates on each side of the belt squat with one band on. In this phase we're going to use one plate on each side and two bands. So, we decreased bar weight but are increasing bar SPEED because this is our priority. When you follow the appropriate loading more bands will make you faster. We like to follow this trend on any of our sports where speed is our priority going into the most important competitions of the year. While there are no absolutes in programming you do have to have an idea of where you want to go and how you're going to get there.
Day one week four
1. Seated abductions w/ doubled mini band - 80 total
2. TKE - on 6" box - 80 total -
3. Belt Squat Box Squat vs 2 set of Bands - 6x2 - @1 plate/side.
4. Groni Sissy Squats - 3x15
5. Groiners w/ 2 orange bands - 60 total
6. Straight Leg sit ups - 3x20
7. Reverse Hyper - 3x15 - 2 plates/side
8. Wide Grip Lat Pulldown - 3x10
- stretch/ traction at top. Scap depression then pull each rep.
9. Banded prone hamstring curls - 3x20
10. Dick Hartzel banded hip mobility- 20 reps on each position (hamstring, groin, glut, hip flexor). These are also done post practice.
10. we also do the X-wife on those who want to do it
Day two week four
1. External Rotations - 50 total
2. speed bench vs ultra minis - 6x3@ 30%
3. overhead med ball slam - 3x5
The rest are done in any order.
4. DB floor press 3x15
5.T- bar Row OR Hammer Row to stomach - 3x10
6. Chest supported Y raise w/ palms down - 3x12
7. DB side bend - 4x20
8. Banded bis and tris - 3x fail