Since our movements stayed the same we will show modifications from week two to week three by separating them with a / they will also be bolded. Next week we will change movements and squat emphasis.
Day one week three
1. Lateral band walks - down and back 2x
2. TKE - 60 total / 80 total/ 100 total
3. Belt Squat Box Squat vs 1 set of Bands - 6x2 - @2 plates/side.
4. Groiners - 60 total /80 total/ 100total
5. Shooters - 3x10 /3x15/ 4x20
6. Back Extension - 3x15 - bwt / 3x20 btw/ 4x20
7. CG Lat Pulldown - 3x10 /3x12/ 4x12
- stretch/ traction at top. Scap depression then pull each rep.
8. Banded prone hamstring curls - 3x20 /3x30/ 4x20
9. Dick Hartzel banded hip mobility- 20 reps on each position (hamstring, groin, glut, hip flexor). These are also done post practice.
10. we also do the X-wife on those who want to do it
Day two week three
1. Lateral raise - 50 total / 60 total/ 2x30
2. speed bench vs ultra minis - 6x3@ 30%
The rest are done in any order.
3. DB floor press 3x8 / DB bench - 3x10/ DB incline- 3x12
4. Inverted Row - 3x10 /3x12/ 3x15
5. Chest supported T raise w/ thumbs out - 3x12 /3x15/ 3x20
6. Banded side bend - 4x20 /4x25
7. bis and tris - any 3x fail
You might notice we aren't doing any type of jumps. While it makes total sense to program them in at this point the feedback I have gotten from our guys is that they don't feel like it gives them much benefit this late in the season. I also think it may beat their knees up more than help them at this time. We also know they just came from practice where they spent the last 2 hours running and JUMPING. This being said we have done them in the past with success, it just depends on the group you have.