Since our movements stayed the same we will show modifications from week one to week two by separating them with a / they will also be bolded
Day one week two
1. Lateral band walks - down and back 2x
2. TKE - 60 total / 80 total
The rest of the movements are done in any order with minimal rest. You think movement order really matters after a 3 hour practice? Know what your objective is and get it in. Also, we only have 2 belt squats with 14 guys lifting at once
3. Belt Squat Box Squat vs 1 set of Bands - 6x2 - @2 plates/side.
4. Groiners - 60 total /80 total
5. Shooters - 3x10 /3x15
6. Back Extension - 3x15 - bwt / 3x20 btw
7. CG Lat Pulldown - 3x10 /3x12
- stretch/ traction at top. Scap depression then pull each rep.
8. Banded prone hamstring curls - 3x20 /3x30
9. Dick Hartzel banded hip mobility- 20 reps on each position (hamstring, groin, glut, hip flexor)
10. we also do the X-wife on those who want to do it
Day two week two
1. Lateral raise - 50 total / 60 total
2. speed bench vs ultra minis - 6x3@ 30%
The rest are done in any order.
3. DB floor press 3x8 / DB bench - 3x10
4. Inverted Row - 3x10 /3x12
5. Chest supported T raise w/ thumbs out - 3x12 /3x15
6. Banded side bend - 4x20 /4x25
7. bis and tris - any 3x fail
Pretty simple and straight forward. Looking to slightly increase volume on accessories from week to week. I kept the volume on the main exercises the same. Most of their efforts at this point in the season should be on basketball skills so in theory this will keep us from taking from the basketball by piling on things in the weight room. We raise the accessory work volume because it can be done at a very low cost to the CNS. Take a look at Charlie Francis' motor unit recruitment chart. Everyone wants to tap into the highest motor unit recruitment exercises...but don't forget that high recruitment also means high cost to the CNS.