Our movements stayed the same from last week. Volume stayed the same this week again. The volume and work they are doing is programmed for recovery at this point so we don't need to start tapering it yet. If they are looking tired we will decrease the volume to have them ready for the weekend.
Day one
1. Seated abductions w/ doubled mini band - 80 total/ 100total
2. TKE - on 6" box - 100 total
3. Belt Squat Box Squat vs 2 set of Bands - 6x2 - @1 plate/side.
4. Groni Sissy Squats - 3x15
5. Groiners w/ 2 orange bands - 80 total
6. Straight Leg sit ups -4x20
7. Reverse Hyper - 2 plates/side / 3x20
8. Wide Grip Lat Pulldown - 3x20
- stretch/ traction at top. Scap depression then pull each rep.
9. Banded prone hamstring curls -80 total
10. Dick Hartzel banded hip mobility- 20 reps on each position (hamstring, groin, glut, hip flexor). These are also done post practice.
10. we also do the X-wife on those who want to do it
Day two
1. External Rotations - 60 total
2. speed bench vs ultra minis - 6x3@ 30%
3. overhead med ball slam - 4x5
The rest are done in any order.
4. DB floor press 3x20
5.T- bar Row OR Hammer Row to stomach - 3x12
6. Chest supported Y raise w/ palms down - 3x15
7. DB side bend - 4x20
8. Banded bis and tris - 3x fail
I found this quote about 4 years ago at a time when work was kicking my ass, we had a new baby in the house (our 3rd) and I was chasing a 1000lb squat. I'd basically go to work train during my breaks, come home and be for the most part off-line to my family bc I was shot. I was there with them but not as present as I should have been. One night after a couple strong islands I came across this quote and it spoke to me pretty loudly, it said stop being a sissy. My family was getting shorted because I was tired from my own personal pursuits. It's easy to get obsessed and beat down working in athletics, so it's important to make an extra effort to not leave your family in the wake. Whether it's everyday life or athletics make sure you take advantage of every opportunity because it's going FAST! Thank you Mr. Rollins.